No bad press for trial coverage...


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Well, there will be no bad coverage for the practice of ending the life of long as a doctor is doing it...even when he is on trial for breaking the law...

ABC, CBS, and NBC's morning and evening newscasts have yet to cover the trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell, which began on Monday. Gosnell is charged with murdering seven babies who were born after viability in his rundown abortion facility. The Big Three also gave the story minimal coverage back in January 2011, after the Philadelphia physician was arrested. ABC completely ignored it, CBS Evening News aired one full story, and NBC gave just 50 words on Today.

Even the New York Times covered the trial in a Tuesday article, though it appeared on page A-17. Writer Jon Hurdle documented how Gosnell is charged with killing the babies by "plunging scissors into their necks and 'snipping' their spinal cords."

In his Tuesday report for the Times, Hurdle documented that the Pennsylvania physician is "charged with seven counts of first-degree murder as well as multiple counts of conspiracy, criminal solicitation and violation of a state law that forbids abortions after the 24th week of pregnancy." The journalist also reported how Gosnell's lawyer "accused prosecutors of racism — 'a prosecutorial lynching' of his client, who is black. 'It's an elitist, racist prosecution,' Mr. [Jack J.] McMahon said. 'This black man is being taken because of who he is and where he works.'"

Why all the fuss over this particular abortionist...

The district attorney's office contends Gosnell, 72, delivered live babies and then deliberately severed their spinal cords, killing them. "This is not a case about abortion," Assistant District Attorney Joanne Pescatore told the jury. "This is a case about murder."
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So what is the problem with America's Health System that makes women risk their lives with guys like this? What facilities are available to women, of limited financial means, who make that decision to end their pregnancy? :asian:
Financial means aren't the problem...the 24 weeks was the problem...

Abortions are typically performed in utero. In Pennsylvania, abortions cannot legally be performed after the 24th week of pregnancy.

PHILADELPHIA — A medical assistant told a jury Tuesday that she snipped the spines of at least 10 babies during unorthodox abortions at a West Philadelphia clinic. And she said Dr. Kermit Gosnell and another employee did the same to terminate pregnancies.
Adrienne Moton’s testimony came in the capital murder trial of Gosnell, the clinic owner, who is on trial in the deaths of a patient and seven babies. Prosecutors accuse him of killing late-term, viable babies after they were delivered alive, in violation of state abortion laws.

Moton, the first employee to testify, sobbed as she recalled taking a cellphone photograph of one baby left in her work area. She thought he could have survived, given his size and pinkish color. She had measured him at nearly 30 weeks.
“The aunt felt it was just best for her (the mother’s) future,” Moton testified.
Gosnell later joked that the baby was so big he could have walked to the bus stop, she said.

Women and teens came from across the mid-Atlantic, often seeking late-term abortions, Moton said. She recalled one young woman from Puerto Rico who did not speak English and appeared to be 27 weeks pregnant.

But prosecutors believe Gosnell made plenty of money over a 30-year career using cheap, untrained staff, outdated medicines and barbaric techniques to perform abortions on desperate, low-income women.
And they say he made even more on the side running a “pill mill,” where addicts and drug dealers could get prescriptions for potent painkillers. Authorities found $250,000 in cash at his home when they searched it in 2010.

Read more:

That last part about severing new born spines, no punishment could be severe enough.

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Investigators stumbled into the abortion case during a 2010 FBI drug raid of the clinic, as agents investigated Gosnell’s high-volume distribution of painkillers. They hoped to search the premises and interview him one evening when no abortions were under way.
Instead, they found about a half-dozen women in the midst of the procedure, and Gosnell arriving only for the delivery. Some women appeared heavily medicated and in pain, and were taken by ambulance to other facilities. But Gosnell, as he spoke with the agents, was allowed to finish the other cases.
When he returned, he sat with his surgical gloves on and ate dinner during the interview, an agent testified.
“He was still wearing his bloody latex gloves. They had some holes in them. And he ate his dinner. He didn’t take them off,” FBI Agent Jason Huff testified.
Gosnell faces the death penalty if convicted of first-degree murder in the infant deaths. He is charged with third-degree murder in Mongar’s death.
Eight co-defendants have pleaded guilty, most of whom will testify against Gosnell. Three pleaded guilty to third-degree murder, which carries a 20- to 40-year term.
Financial means aren't the problem...the 24 weeks was the problem...
That doesn't answer the question as to why anyone would choose to patronise this guy if quality medical services were available.
So what is the problem with America's Health System that makes women risk their lives with guys like this? What facilities are available to women, of limited financial means, who make that decision to end their pregnancy? :asian:

Abortion is legal, but the religious right has worked hard to make it difficult to obtain. Some states only have one abortion doctor because of the harassment.
No, it was against the law to perform abortions after 24 weeks, so he was performing illegal abortions for these women. If you look at the posts, many of these dead children were over 24 weeks old.

Here is a quick list of cheap abortion the philedelphia area...

[h=3]Abortion Providers near Philadelphia PA(Change Location)[/h]

  1. 1
    Abortion Access of... -philadelphiawomenscenter.comOpen24 hrs
    (800) 877-6331 -

  2. 2
    Planned Parenthood
    (215) 351-5550 -

  3. 3
    Planned Parenthood
    (610) 626-9482 -

  4. 4
    Abortion Access - Cherry Hill...
    (800) 877-6331 -

  5. 5
    Abortion Access of... -abortionusa.comOpen24 hrs
    (800) 877-6331 -

17 More Local Results...
[/URL]I quite understand what you are saying. What I am asking is, what happens if someone needs to be aborted at 26 weeks? Is there any way that can be done legally?

If it is medically necessary, yes. If they decide they'd rather kill the child, no.
That doesn't answer the question as to why anyone would choose to patronise this guy if quality medical services were available.

There are no doubt more reasons, but it appears they were patronizing him as he was willing to perform illegal abortions. Whether you or your country's laws agree, if abortion after 24 is declared illegal, then it is in fact illegal. Most doctors would not perform them.

[/URL]I quite understand what you are saying. What I am asking is, what happens if someone needs to be aborted at 26 weeks? Is there any way that can be done legally?

Big Don has answered that.

Just for curiosity, do you and/or your country believe in later abortions?
I'm fairly sure it's between 22-24 across all the states in Australia.

Public Opinion from 2010
A 2010 nationally representative study of Australians over 18 years published in The Medical Journal of Australia found that 61 per cent said abortion should be lawful without question for a woman in her first trimester of pregnancy, while 26 per cent said it should be lawful depending on the reason. In the second trimester (12 to 24 weeks), support for outright lawful abortion was 12 per cent, while 57 per cent said it depended on circumstances. For third trimester or late-term abortions, 6 per cent said it should be outright lawful while 42 per cent said it depended on circumstances and 48 per cent said it should be unlawful.[SUP][17][/SUP]

Abortion in Australia
There are no doubt more reasons, but it appears they were patronizing him as he was willing to perform illegal abortions. Whether you or your country's laws agree, if abortion after 24 is declared illegal, then it is in fact illegal. Most doctors would not perform them.

Just for curiosity, do you and/or your country believe in later abortions?
Australia's laws may be a little less rigid. As jezr said, the laws vary state to state. In some states there is abortion on request up to 14 to 20 weeks and in other states, and beyond that time, it needs the assessment by two doctors that termination is necessary for the physical or mental well being of the mother, or that the foetus has some congenital abnormality that would cause an early death or severe mental or physical disability if the pregnancy continued. So, technically, our laws allow for late term abortion.

Again, jezr has posted the results of a 2010 survey of Australians attitude on abortion. Personally, I don't like the thought of abortion but recognise the necessity in certain circumstances. What a woman chooses to do with her body is, in my opinion, her decision and her decision alone. No matter what my feelings may be, I have no right to impose my will on another individual. :asian:
I agree, what a woman decides to do with her body is her own to the body of the unborn child...well, that needs some discussion...

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