NJ Politician Proposes License Plates For Bicycles

N.J. assemblywoman slams brakes on bicycle license plate proposal

Published: Friday, January 14, 2011, 6:00 AM

By Matt Friedman/Statehouse Bureau NJ.com EXCERPT: Assemblywoman Cleopatra Tucker on Thursday slammed the brakes on a much-maligned proposal to require bicycles be registered with the Motor Vehicle Commission at up to $10 a pop, and to force them to sport license plates.
Tucker (D-Essex) quickly withdrew the bill, which would have fined those without plates up to $100, and switched gears to focus on elderly pedestrian safety. She had introduced the bill after receiving complaints from senior citizens who had been hit by kids riding bikes.
"My intention was never to impose a burden or additional costs. My goal was to at least begin a discussion of how best to protect elderly pedestrians," said Tucker.
Now, introduce a bill outlawing kids....... ;)
Wanna know why NJ is screwed up?
Since 2010, 6,798 bills were proposed and only 129 have been signed into law. Most will sit idle until they expire. Few, however, are formally withdrawn.

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