NJ Politician Proposes License Plates For Bicycles

Big Don

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NJ Politician Proposes License Plates For Bicycles

January 13, 2011 9:29 AM(CBSLocal Philadelphia Excerpt:)
PHILADELPHIA – If a proposed bill becomes law in New Jersey, bicyclists will have to pay to register bikes or face a fine.

The bill, introduced by Democratic New Jersey assemblywoman Cleopatra Tucker of Essex, requires owners to register bikes with the Motor Vehicle Commission for $10 dollars a piece or face fines up to $100. A license plate would be issued and will have to be displayed when riding on public roads. Plates would be valid for two years.
What is the thinking here? Is it just, "Hey, look that isn't taxed, lets tax it!"
What is the thinking here? Is it just, "Hey, look that isn't taxed, lets tax it!"

Well, yeah. That and NJ is in dire financial straits.
NJ Politician Proposes License Plates For Bicycles

January 13, 2011 9:29 AM(CBSLocal Philadelphia Excerpt:)
PHILADELPHIA – If a proposed bill becomes law in New Jersey, bicyclists will have to pay to register bikes or face a fine.

The bill, introduced by Democratic New Jersey assemblywoman Cleopatra Tucker of Essex, requires owners to register bikes with the Motor Vehicle Commission for $10 dollars a piece or face fines up to $100. A license plate would be issued and will have to be displayed when riding on public roads. Plates would be valid for two years.
What is the thinking here? Is it just, "Hey, look that isn't taxed, lets tax it!"
Ok Don. you just turned me into a Republican. I hope your happy.
Well, yeah. That and NJ is in dire financial straits.
Yeah, screwing more people with more taxes will help. What is next? A bicyclist's license? A state administered program of training and testing before little Susie can ride her big girl bike?
Yeah, screwing more people with more taxes will help. What is next? A bicyclist's license? A state administered program of training and testing before little Susie can ride her big girl bike?

The State approved age for Bicycle riding is set at 5 years old, state licensed operators of Human powered vehicles requiring training wheels will be required to post proof of insurance with the local department of motor vehicles, and require an additional one dollar per training wheel fee for every quarter preceeding the time the training wheels will be removed from their vehicle, and late fees of $35.00 will be assessed to any individuals not meeting these requirements......

Ok Don. you just turned me into a Republican. I hope your happy.

So you want to privatize the manufacture of the plates and take jobs from the poor prisoners and give them to wealthy people so they can make house payments?
So you want to privatize the manufacture of the plates and take jobs from the poor prisoners and give them to wealthy people so they can make house payments?

naw they will make the bicycle license plates in juvenile hall of course LOL
As far as I know, Ohio hasn`t got any statewide licensing for bicycles. But when I was growing up our city did. 5$ got you a sticker with a registration # on it that helped them return stolen bikes to the owners. This was 35 years ago.
Ah, interesting, David :tup:. Mind you, I do have to wonder how easy a sticker was to remove after theft? Bikes over here in Britain used to have frame serial numbers, just like any motorised vehicle (well, expensive ones did at any rate (my bike frame cost £1000 in 1981 :eek: )). I don't know if they still do.
Look, we're talking about a state where pumping your own gas is illegal.
Look, we're talking about a state where pumping your own gas is illegal.

wow is that serious? thats insane!!!!

on a side note I could see some kid pulled over by a cop, sirens blazing...

kid: why did you pull me over officer...

officer: well a couple things, I see you have no license plate on your vehicle, also there are no headlights and its cloudy overhead. You realize you need to have your lights on when driving in cloudy weather right?

kid: huh?

officer: also I see you do not have a helmet, and your chain guard is broken, thats a serious violation, we could impound your bike for that.

kid: ummm what?

officer: I also see your bicycle operaters license is expired, so you are riding on an invalid license, do you have any further documentation?

kid: uuuuuuhhhhhh..

officer: im going to need you to step off that bike now and walk back here and recite your ABCs backwards for me..

kid: but I go to public school...

officer: *grabs radio and clicks it on* We are going to need back up here.
son are you being a smart *** with me?

kid: are you racially profiling me?

officer: you must respect mah Authoritahhhhhh..

and of course it all goes downhill from there....

this entire thread is like soemthing out of the twilight zone to me...
wow is that serious? thats insane!!!!

Dead serious. Can't pump your own gas in NJ, and CT has an exhorbitant gas tax...so even the self-serve pumps on I-95 in CT are more expensive than full serve in NJ.

On more than one occasion I've been tempted to run on fumes to see if I can make it all the way to Delaware without refueling. But some risks are just not worth taking. ;)
Oregon too is a "our citizens are too stupid to pump their own gas" state.
Oregon too is a "our citizens are too stupid to pump their own gas" state.

You know what bothers me the most about it?

If I stop in NJ and say "Fill 'er up," and hand the guy my credit card...he walks off with the card and takes it to a place where I can't see it (their little office on the island). THAT spooks me. How do I know what he's doing with my card and all the numbers on it?

Instead I stop and hand the guy a $20 which (currently) gets me about half a tank, enough to get me comfortably in to MD or DE to completely refuel when I have control of my own plastic.

You really think this will be used against little kids by the police.

It depends.
The "stop crime and protect the citizens" group, no.
The "Revenue Enhancement Squad", yes.
Remember, we now live in a country where little kids are seeing their summer kool aid stands shut down by the health department due to lack of permits, zoning boards for running a business in a residential zone, and city & county governments for a small list of other BS reasons.
I can see a cash strapped town in NJ ordering the cops to start ignoring bank robbers and start confiscating bikes. It's ****ing dumb, but lets be honest here....we've seen dumber.

Then we'll have the impersonation crimes.
Other kids will get the bikes done up all black and white and buy badges off ebay.
Next thing you know, there's a rash of bike thefts by fake 8 yr old cops.
The NJ Legislature will leap into action, and dressing up like a cop for Halloween will suddenly get your mom or dad a $300 fine, and no more will you find the costumes at Party City.
A tragedy will occur as Atlantic City cops are in a tense stand off with a kid ridding an unlicensed Huffy while packing a loaded Super Soaker.
Donuts will be drenches, coffee spilled, an *** spanked.
The liberal media will be all over it, and the next thing you know...
asses will have to be licensed in NJ.

It'll be horrible. Horrible I tell you.
Luckily, for New Jersey, Chris Christie isn't likely to sign this crap.
N.J. assemblywoman slams brakes on bicycle license plate proposal

Published: Friday, January 14, 2011, 6:00 AM

By Matt Friedman/Statehouse Bureau NJ.com EXCERPT: Assemblywoman Cleopatra Tucker on Thursday slammed the brakes on a much-maligned proposal to require bicycles be registered with the Motor Vehicle Commission at up to $10 a pop, and to force them to sport license plates.
Tucker (D-Essex) quickly withdrew the bill, which would have fined those without plates up to $100, and switched gears to focus on elderly pedestrian safety. She had introduced the bill after receiving complaints from senior citizens who had been hit by kids riding bikes.
"My intention was never to impose a burden or additional costs. My goal was to at least begin a discussion of how best to protect elderly pedestrians," said Tucker.
Dead serious. Can't pump your own gas in NJ, and CT has an exhorbitant gas tax...so even the self-serve pumps on I-95 in CT are more expensive than full serve in NJ.

On more than one occasion I've been tempted to run on fumes to see if I can make it all the way to Delaware without refueling. But some risks are just not worth taking. ;)
Oregon too!

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