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Humble artist

What do you ninjutsu practitioners think about self-defense?
There has been some magical shadows floating on ninjutsu,get the point?;) I´ve often heard that ninjutsu is "rough".I´ve even seen a thread "Is ninjutsu evil?" in budo boards.
I have not found any decent information on it´s techniques from web.
I´ve heard about unique techniques like to choke opponent with his own blood.
What do you think?
Hi Humble,

On the topic of self-defense...I would honestly point someone to a gun safety/handling course. Ninpo does have combat techniques and whatnot, but the training tends to go much deeper then that.

Some training is rough. Typically it depends on who you study with. Many teachers teach brutality, others work on the finer, softer points within what we do....and still some work on the mid-way between the two. I will say that training isn't near as rough as it used to be.

You probably won't see much in the form of techniques on the web. Many teachers feel that this is a very bad idea. Watching a technique and feeling it being done to you are two very different things. To paraphrase Hatsumi can you explain the taste of a food that you've never had before?

Choking on blood....well, I wouldn't say that it *doesn't* exist, but I've never seen that type of thing. There are concepts used that could be considered brutal for evasion it very well could be.

I hope that helps some..

A far as self defense, i'm not sure it's really taught in that since, not to say it's taught as outright assault don't get me wrong;) but more of a feeling of reacting when you absolutly have to, i second the idea of handguns for "self defense" though i would like to learn that choking on blood long as i'm not the uke:D
I never Tried Ninjutsu, Is Ninjustsu Karate Ninja, they wear Mask.
I dont know that Karate, I dont think any karate Wear Ninja Costumes.

There is no magical cloud or "path" to learning self defense. I find it really amusing when local martial arts schools offer a 6 hour self defense course to either women or men. There is NO WAY anyone can learn self defense in 6 hours. I don't know the complexities nor the worthiness of the self defense techniques of ninjutsu since I haven't worked in either of the two or three ninjutsu ryu within the Bujinkan yet.

However the worthiness of the self defense techniques within the other ryu in the Bujinkan, are a "step in the right direction". As far as how rough or brutal the training gets depends on the dojo and teacher you train with. My instructor is about half and half with the brutal and the soft points. He really makes the emphasize that in order to "understand" the technique, you HAVE to feel it. And believe me, sometimes I wished I did not feel em!!

As far as finding any decent web information on the techniques, you really are not going to find much since the majority of the practicioners and teachers believe that you need to feel the techniques to understand and most importantly you need an uke to practice the techniques on! Not well suited for solo training.

Mr. Bell, has given a great suggestion as far as gun handling and training but I believe taijutsu is a great addition to this since you may not always be able to carry a gun nor have immediate access to the gun.


There is no way anyone can learn fighting in 6 hours.

However, there is much common-sense self-defense one can learn in 6 hours. I'd expect that less than half of it would be physical techniques and the rest would be strategies and how to stay out of trouble, advice on talking/screaming/running, etc. These can be useful.

Self-defense is a more general term than fighting! As Ashida Kim taught us, Kunoichi would bare their breasts to stun male opponents so they could make their escape! There are ways!

(Yes, I know the Ashida Kim books were total garbage.)
MMMMM....boobies! :D

Now that is a sneaky little trick! But extremely effective as well!
I find the empty hand techniques of taijutsu very efective, but talking about self defense i would say that in the streets is more a matter of attitud, let´s say here in Argentina we have steals every day, and everyday is getting worse, i could spend hours telling you how many times some kids (Yeah, kids of nine years old with guns in their hands) stealed me or some friends of mine, but since i started training i would say that something inside me changed, i say it´s attitud but i don´t know exactly what it is, but i find that it´s been a long time since they stoled me last time, and i think that happens with training... let´s say that the person that is going to steal you choose you because your face or your attitud, you walk with your head down, thinking in the clouds, and they steal you, but if you keep your head in earth, walking straight, they wont steal you so easily, at least, they will think it twice before getting the shot...
well, that´s my opinion

c ya =)
Thanks for the reply,I´m amazed that this thread still got some life into it.
I know exactly what you mean,it´s basic self-defense skills-prevention (at least that´s how I see it) You know you have some kind of skill,you have the confidence inside.Confident people are less likely to be victims that´s for sure.
Basic how-to-act&how-to-look are covered in self-defense and your words cover that up to a point.
Certain ways of walking and appearing like and ways of how not to appear like have been researched and covered.
As far as effectiveness, what other styles has anyone tried their techniques against. I have found that for the average practioner of anything techniques work extremely well against your own style. Aikido and Karate for example. Who really attacks in these fashions? What art does not have "body displacement" techniques (taijutsu). I'm just curious because it seems to be subjective. :asian:
Originally posted by Karasu Tengu
As far as effectiveness, what other styles has anyone tried their techniques against. I have found that for the average practioner of anything techniques work extremely well against your own style. Aikido and Karate for example. Who really attacks in these fashions? What art does not have "body displacement" techniques (taijutsu). I'm just curious because it seems to be subjective. :asian:

Well... I cant talk for anyone elses training, and I am justa lowly rank... But...

When we train and practice, we dont do our techniques against a "Taijutsu" style attack. Punches are thrown like a brawler, jabs, swings, etc etc...

Lots of different techniques that they throw at us, but as far as "will it work" Ill let you know if I survive a fight. :D
I do understand where one would get the attack thing from. I have seen alot of Ninpo schools where the attacker almost places himself to be messed up.
I try to train as real as possible.

It will vary from the school. As well what they are particularly good at.
Hello Everyone,

I have seen this thread pop up on every Ninjutsu chat board from time to time, and it does get students thinking about "how they train!"

Budo Taijutsu, is a powerful and effective martial art. It does lack in some areas, but this is not a detraction from the system. When I started training officially in the Bujinkan in 1989, one area that was definitely overlooked was ground work. With the explosion of BJJ in the 90's, most practitioners started to modify the way they practice to deal with a new threat!(Ninja's do adapt!)

There are a few other areas as well: short blade and stick weapons.(This is clearly dominated by the FMA's) Also, many schools do, only train against "themselves", but really should be practicing against the outside. Throw those jabs, hooks and kicks! Put on some limited protective gear and mix it up. Observe how what you train in, comes out in your sparring. Is it different? (of course, there will be some things you will not be able to do because it is sparring, but it will help you get a feel for what it can be like in a conflict)

The problem always comes down to how an individual trains though, not only in a system lacking something. With the rise of video, DVD, and the internet, no student should feel that their skills are lacking. Go out and research other systems and adapt it to your own training!!!

Time to get off the :soapbox:

Bufu Ikkan

Steven Lefebvre (Airyu)

Just my opinion but i dont think any martial art is a defence, why, in Karate do you learn to punch? this is a method of attack and all martial arts learn to respond with an attack, as for the self defence issue of ninjutsu, well this was always an attacking art, they were soldiers they were taught to attack and fight in wars, and yes, many of the techniques are brutal but this is the way they have always been taught and always will be, there is no point in kicking and punching the air if you cant connect with the person attacking in an effective way then there is no point getting into a fight, i am in the Bujinkan and i love the aggressiveness of it, there is nothing better than bruise spotting the next day, its a bit horny really mmmm! Only joking but it is an amazing art.

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