RV Donk hanbojutsu tape a review


Blue Belt
This is a review on Richard Van Donk shihan hanbojutsu tape.
Donk shihan does a really great job and covers a great deal that I feel is missing from what I have experienced in my years training in the Bujinkan or kukishinden ryu from other teachers and students.

Donk shihan covers the hanbo in a slow and easy to follow methods for the beginner to follow along with.
I would say if you are looking for a beginner tape on the hanbo this one is pretty good.

I believe this was made some years ago. Donk shihan looks very young. I'm sure over the years his knowledge and skills have improved greatly. I wouldn't mind trainig with him or under his direction with the hanbo.

I wish the tape covered more Japanese terms and had a little more light in it.
Yes, it is shot outside and I believe it was at one of his seminars.

Is it as good as mine. No. But... It's my tape.. LOL I cover about 20 times what he does in mine.. with of course different stick sizes..

ralph severe, kamiyama
1. Production/Tape Quality: Based on video and audio clarity, plus overall 'look'.
ky, very well made with great angles done in a natural setting, no music.. good sound.

2. Instructors demonstrated skill level: does the subject look like they know what they are doing, and look confident doing it.
ky, a expert of the 'hanbo'.

3. Comprehension Score/Immediate Understanding: How knowledgable do I have to be before making use of this?
ky, no experience needed. Easy to watch and follow.

4. Degree to which this will make someone a better Martial Artist: Will I improve after watching this?
ky, yes.

5. Score on delivery vs. hype: Does it meet what it claims?
ky, yes.

6. Degree to which we'd recommend this product:
ky, 1 to 10.. I give it a 9 for content.

7. Wasted Time (The higher the number, the less "fluff"/repetition): How much dead time or 'filler' is in this, based on the claims.
ky, none.

8. Playback Score/Watching it over-and-over again: Would I watch this again?
ky, yes.

9. Would I purchase more of this company's products:
ky, yes.

10. Overall grade based on cost vs. value: is it worth the cost based on overall value of the training?
ky, very good for the cost.

11. Beginners benefit: Is this of use to a beginner?
ky, see #4

12. Intermediate benefit: a mid-belt type.
ky, see #4

13. Advanced benefit: an expert?
ky, see #4

14. Time to benefit: How long before I can 'learn' something from this.
ky, with a little training in months.. anyone can learn from RV Donk shihan tapes.

15. The need to buy additional tapes to understand this one: Do I need more, or is this good to start?
ky, see #4

ralph severe, kamiyama

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