ninja fiction

There's a new movie comming out named "the Ninja" starring Scott Adkins. No, it's not based on Lustbadder's novel of the same name so I don't' know how that's gonna sit with the people in production of eriv Van Lustbadder's "The Ninja."


Notice the grammatical error on the poster. "A silent warrior, a deadly past, a eternal mission." Why will people learn, if the next word starts with a vowel or vowel sound you use "an." It's "An eternal mission," just like it's "an apple."

I'm sure it will be a fun movie, but I fear any hopes of authenticity have already been shattered by the image in that poster.

Be honest folks, if the poster didn't say 'ninja' would you think this was a new Star Wars movie or something else of the SciFi genre?
I good book, but not "ninjas" per se or even historical fiction is a book series called "Tales of the Otori". The first book is called "Across the Nightangale Floor". It is in the sci-fi section and is set in what you could call feudal Japan, even though it is a made up place.

The "ninjas" are part of something called the Tribe. And it is written like the legends of what the ninjas could do.
That guy who directed the new movie Ninja, if you check his resume he has a couple good action/MA movies, but he also directed about 200 episodes of Power Rangers too. I don't' see that as a bad thing though, being a film geek like myself I say the more time a director has behind the camera be it commercials, music vids or crap TV is the better he will be in the end. The mighty Spielberg did The Night Gallery for years before Jaws!

Punisher - That books sounds cool, I'll check it out. I'll also recommend a new author, Brent Weeks. He's got a trilogy of books about a leaugue of assasins modeled after ninjas, but it's set in a fantacy kingdom not Japan. But it's pretty good and pretty brutal.

I good book, but not "ninjas" per se or even historical fiction is a book series called "Tales of the Otori". The first book is called "Across the Nightangale Floor". It is in the sci-fi section and is set in what you could call feudal Japan, even though it is a made up place.

The "ninjas" are part of something called the Tribe. And it is written like the legends of what the ninjas could do.

The first book was really good. Then it slowed way the hell down and got progressively more BOOOOOOOORING.

Those all look like someone took pictures of Altair and colored his outfit black and added a Sai and Ninjato. From the poses, Right down to the Dagger coming out of the Gauntlet... I call Plagiarism.


Shadows Edge is a Mirror Image of that first Pic, and the cover of Beyond the shadows is an exact ripoff of the standard AC promo Image #3
I was not aware of that game, I don't' play video games without the words "Street Fighter" or "Madden" in the title. But seriously, I can't tell when was the last time I played a non sport or non superhero game.

Good books though.
Kind of a shame... Im offput by the art. They could be the best books ever written, destined to be the new war and peace, and I am Judging them by their covers... the artist had to rip off someone elses work... so I'd skip the books and assume they are crap...
I know man, when it comes to fantasy and sci-fi novels, the cover art does matter! I don't' blame you if you are turned off though the art depicts what he looks like in the story.

See the thing is, with sci-fi and fantasy, no matter how great the description is in the book, sometimes you need that picture because the author's description is so other worldly.
There's nothing I hate more than a written sex scene! Seriously, it's just gratuitous and does nothing to forward the plot. I love the way Fleming handles them in the Bond books, you get the first move or the first kiss, next scene they are getting out of bed or showering .... that's all you need.
There's nothing I hate more than a written sex scene! Seriously, it's just gratuitous and does nothing to forward the plot. I love the way Fleming handles them in the Bond books, you get the first move or the first kiss, next scene they are getting out of bed or showering .... that's all you need.

Fortunately, they weren't enormously graphic or lasted more tha a half page or so. Way better than Lustbader's versions. After this thread, I pulled out my old copy of Tulku and reread it, it's actually not too bad at all, although it's rather slowly paced.

There's no written sex scene I hated more than that one in Lustbader's The Ninja. You know the one I'm talking about if you've read the book.

Seriously, Lusbader's terrible, whoever told Ludlum's family to give him the Bourne franchise was on crack.
There's no written sex scene I hated more than that one in Lustbader's The Ninja. You know the one I'm talking about if you've read the book.

Seriously, Lusbader's terrible, whoever told Ludlum's family to give him the Bourne franchise was on crack.

Yeah, that was pretty wretched. Mind you, I hit saturation in there during the 90's, when every book had Spetsnaz commandos who had been genetically crossed with a horse (apparently) having sex with stunning women whose described proportions would have the 50 pounds hovering on their chests likely to put them in traction or at least break their 14 inch waists.

Do not doubt the reality of ninja magic!

As for fiction, I once had this book in english where the main character was called daremo.
As far as good ninja fiction goes however, i don't really know that many works. i probably know tons of movies but not that many books.

The Ninja by Eric Lustbader is a MUST READ! There is some mild spiritual stuff but it is handled very delicately and doesn't overtly suggest we can all fly after two Ninja lessons. There also a very descriptive element of Karate and Aikido. It is really compelling and features alot of adult themes. Don't be put of by the 'MAN RAPE' it actually works very well in the context its in. Agreat look at clashing Japanese and Western cultures.
I hated that book though. The ones after, especially White Ninja were way better. Lustbader still sucks for ruining Bourne though.
I actually found White Ninja a bit dissapointing as there was alot of spiritual goings on in that. But hey different strokes and all that!

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