Nice TKD class


Senior Master
Last night the class was nice. Wew did some kind of mild kyorugi where grabing the foot to take down the oponent was allowed, and the use of hands to the face (slaping with open hands) was allowed too. We don't use any kind of protection cause it was like point karate I mean the kicks were not full speed or full contact.

I really liked cause the slaps to the face were to develop reflex, nobody likes to get a slap on the face but it's very cool to salp the other's face, this calls for quick reflexes.

I was taken down (with a leg grab) twice and I take down my oponent twice too, my oponente tried to take me down ala MMA but cant do it so I broke the hold and pined down chest flat on the mat.

I trew some nice kicks, one of them was an ax kick that smacked the face of my oponent just enough to let him know to wach his head and the other backa a ti chagui (spining back kick) just in the lower ribs that maybe at full speed will hurt.

I liked the class cause my sparring parthner is a little cocky and think an old guy like me can't kick, and I was glad to put things right.

I know this class not sound like a SD class but allow me to stay focus,tried some nice combos,deliver right kicks and the game of saping each other the face was right to stay alert.

Sounds like an awesome class actually. :) I have always loved any sort of sparring, grappling, point fighting and just plain rough housing in the name of fun and training that I could get my hands on. I prefer less pads and good control as well. Hope things continue to go well for you!
Glad it was a good class

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