Nice relationship


Senior Master
Today I am going to visit my friend and kenpo sensei teacher Omar, I am not takin kenpo classes but a good relationship has growing beetwen us and he is a part of my martial friends circle. The meaning of the visit is Omar invited (for second time) me to watch and participate in his kup examination (test) in the school he teaches (elementary-high school).

I must say I feel very happy to get this kind of invitation where I can interact with Omar and the other senseis invited some of them my very best friends and also interact with the parents and the kids. My nephew George is testing for orange belt and he likes see me in his gradings, also my brother likes to me to interactuate with little George in a martial art way.

The fisrt time I participate with Omar in his kup test I tied the yellow belt in the waist of little George and I was so exited, at least my nephew is following his uncle in the martial arts way.

Nice, very nice. Omar invited another sambonim a very ggof friend of mine a 4th dan black belt in Taekwondo Jidokwan and a 1st dan in Hapkido too. The examinatios began with the peewes and they perfomed good doing the kata and sparring (point sparring) little George did his kata very well with alot of enthusiasm and his sparring went good to, I am very proud of him. There were a 4 years biy theta forgot part of his kata and wanted to cry so I call him and told him his kata was good and he didi well so there were no reason for tears, the little boy smiled at me and sat on the mat without a big concern.

Second part was elementary school kids again the kidi did it well and saw a couple of nice point sparring fights, the ages were 7 till 12 years old boys and girls, we finish with two adults, a young man and a youg lady, both test for yellow belt, the guy performed very well, I think he has prior martrial arts instruction, the lady was a littel desaponited but whe was scared like hell to not perform well.

We finish with a nice dinner in a brasilian steak house restaurant wher I have a nice Trquila Clamato (just one) some sodas salad and steak.

I really enjoyed see the kids and it was rereshing the photo session with them, I used my black gi with my fully embroided wide black belt.

I'm not sure if it is common pratice to invite non kenpo people to sit on the board at testing but I have sat on such boards ( I am not in kenpo anymore) because I was attending and practicing at the school or good friends with the instructor.

Manny congatulations on being invite to be there
I'm not sure if it is common pratice to invite non kenpo people to sit on the board at testing but I have sat on such boards ( I am not in kenpo anymore) because I was attending and practicing at the school or good friends with the instructor.

Manny congatulations on being invite to be there

I really don't know if it's a common practice, I haven't seen this in TKD examinations but I know is some Karate Dojos the senseis invite senseis or sifus of another martial arts, Omar my Kenpo Budy has been invited in Karate Do kup examinations.

Something I must to say is we are just merely observers, nothing more, we can't give a grade because for example even I am an orange belt in kenpo I have no the authority to do it, we can express if the kids for example show a good atitude.

I am not qualified to emit any kind of grade in another martial art but TKD.

However I want to talk with Omar and tell him that we (the outsider senseis/sambonims,etc) can give some kind of grade not tecnical speaking but maybe we can say soemthing about martiality, stage presence, etc,etc. but this will be a plus for the student and will not interfere with the qualification that the sensei will give to his/hers students.

I must say I really enjoy been part of such tests, I am an open mind man that thinks alll martial Arts are interconected, some look alike, some not, but at the end all are ..... martial Arts and thats a comon thing.

I knew you couldn't determine the grade, but you mentioned you wore a Gi and a BB which made me think you'd been invited as a martial artist instead of as a friend.

For my BB grading, two of my best MA friends showed up to watch. One is a Chito-Ryu Karate black belt and a Judo blue belt, the other is a Shotokan karate brown belt and a Judo blue belt. Actually, both are ranked in jujitsu too. Not sure where.
Manny is it common practice in Kenpo to invite BB's from other styles to belt gradings?

I never heard of that happening here in Hawaii, which is the birthplace of Kenpo. I have heard of teachers from different lineages of Kenpo attending each other's functions. I don't think there is anything wrong per se about inviting someone from another style to sit on a testing board, especially if there is a prior relationship between the two instructors. It might be difficult to give a fair assessment on the technical stuff, because the guest from another style might not know the technical standard. It would be sort of like judging a form that you don't practice. But there is I think enough of a cross over from kenpo to taekwondo that it can be overcome.
I never heard of that happening here in Hawaii, which is the birthplace of Kenpo. I have heard of teachers from different lineages of Kenpo attending each other's functions. I don't think there is anything wrong per se about inviting someone from another style to sit on a testing board, especially if there is a prior relationship between the two instructors. It might be difficult to give a fair assessment on the technical stuff, because the guest from another style might not know the technical standard. It would be sort of like judging a form that you don't practice. But there is I think enough of a cross over from kenpo to taekwondo that it can be overcome.

We have that relationship with a few other schools, (Shotokan & Shorin-Ryu) they will sit in our testing and our instructor will sit in on theirs. For the most part all them have a working knowledge of the others style (or has trained in it at some point). During testing, when doing forms specifically, the board will treat it like judging forms at an open tournament. They may not know the form, but look for the techniques and execution. It works out really well this way and we have a lot of good relationships with other schools and styles because of it.
I never heard of that happening here in Hawaii, which is the birthplace of Kenpo. I have heard of teachers from different lineages of Kenpo attending each other's functions. I don't think there is anything wrong per se about inviting someone from another style to sit on a testing board, especially if there is a prior relationship between the two instructors. It might be difficult to give a fair assessment on the technical stuff, because the guest from another style might not know the technical standard. It would be sort of like judging a form that you don't practice. But there is I think enough of a cross over from kenpo to taekwondo that it can be overcome.

Understood. Thanks.
Not to nitpick, but I didn't think you were a high enough grade to grade students in Taekwondo either? Or does the Jidokwan allow it?

Jidokwan is a social club, it does not concern itself about these things.

Jidokwan recommends that we follow Kukkiwon standards and curriculum.
I knew you couldn't determine the grade, but you mentioned you wore a Gi and a BB which made me think you'd been invited as a martial artist instead of as a friend.

For my BB grading, two of my best MA friends showed up to watch. One is a Chito-Ryu Karate black belt and a Judo blue belt, the other is a Shotokan karate brown belt and a Judo blue belt. Actually, both are ranked in jujitsu too. Not sure where.

Well... yes I was invited as a black belt tkd friend. I want to make a black belt friend club I wrote about this several months ago, in this martial arts group we have: One karate do black Belt and Budo Taijutsu Black belt, a 4th dan black belt tkd/1st dan hapkido, a 3rd degree lima lama and kendoka, Omar who is a 3rd degree black blet kenpoka and mysself.

We are just a buch of martial arts freaks... jajajajajaja!!!!

I never heard of that happening here in Hawaii, which is the birthplace of Kenpo. I have heard of teachers from different lineages of Kenpo attending each other's functions. I don't think there is anything wrong per se about inviting someone from another style to sit on a testing board, especially if there is a prior relationship between the two instructors. It might be difficult to give a fair assessment on the technical stuff, because the guest from another style might not know the technical standard. It would be sort of like judging a form that you don't practice. But there is I think enough of a cross over from kenpo to taekwondo that it can be overcome.

I understand you and you are right, however I can give a big aplause to the kids that really show effort in his/her performance and can cherish the ones who show a good attitude, a front kick is a front kick in Mexico or Hawaii or China, a reverse punch is the same so I can tell if a student is good or bad seing his/her tehnikes.

But, yes as I told you I can give or emit a grade in Kenpo because I am not a certified black belt in Kenpo, pretty simple no?

Excellent to have a bunch of different style MAists around isn't it? :)

Our little "club" includes a Shotokan brown belt/Judo blue belt/Jujitsu green belt, a Chito Ryu black belt/Judo blue belt/Jujitsu green belt, a TKD blue belt/Judo yellow belt, a Judo black belt/Jujitsu green belt, and me; a TKD black belt/Judo yellow belt among a bunch more.

I've learned a lot from all of them.
Not to nitpick, but I didn't think you were a high enough grade to grade students in Taekwondo either? Or does the Jidokwan allow it?

I am a second dan in tkd, as long as I know I am instructor only, if I recall 3rd dan is the minimun to examinate studentes, correct me if I am wrong please. For that matter I have never grade nobody so you can be easy. What I have done is to assist my sambonim (7th dan BB) and the master invited to conduct the tests.

Please don't get me wrong, even I go to these test (examinations) no matter kenpo or TKD I don't grade anybody.

Thank you for allow me to try to clarify this importan thing to everyone here.

I don't do gradings either, I've been told I can but my immediate superior is 6th Dan and fairly high up nationally. I figure why not attach his name to our belts, right? Makes it that much more legit.

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