


ok. i've just moved out of the house and am on my own. i work most of the day and only have time at night. i've always been curious into the martial arts and i think that it would be good for me, namly to get and stay in shape. i don't have a license so i have only two real choices of schools to got to. they are in biking distance, but they are the only ones near by. one of them is a korean martial arts. the name of the other school is Ultimate Martial Arts School. I am curious as to what kind of style korean martial arts follows. the other one i don't know what style it teaches. any help as to what they teach, the vigor of the study and the usefulness of the art. any help would be great.
Hey, Welcome! :)

Korea has many different arts, so a good starting place would be to browse through our KMA forums here. For both schools, I'd inquire about dropping by and watching a class or 2. Also, check in our Library for the "Newbies" guide. It has alot of good tips for the beginner. :)
C_I_A03 said:
ok. i've just moved out of the house and am on my own. i work most of the day and only have time at night. i've always been curious into the martial arts and i think that it would be good for me, namly to get and stay in shape. i don't have a license so i have only two real choices of schools to got to. they are in biking distance, but they are the only ones near by. one of them is a korean martial arts. the name of the other school is Ultimate Martial Arts School. I am curious as to what kind of style korean martial arts follows. the other one i don't know what style it teaches. any help as to what they teach, the vigor of the study and the usefulness of the art. any help would be great.
Just my thoughts, I believe the most important of any school before joining is look at the way they teach and their teaching style..Is this how you want to train? Are they friendly? are they strict? water breaks? Are there many different color belts(many tells you people like the training),lots of students? or few? observe and sit in the classes to watch,if they do not? go some where else! It is not the style, we found the teacher made the difference for us...that is why so stay for over eight years and going on more, He is a great person,, and a great teacher, humble,kind,and professional. And HONEST. Check them out first before signing up...Please.......Aloha for Hawaii
Hi C_I_A03! Welcome to Martial Talk forums. As far as also observing classes at each school ask if you can try out a class. See how the instructor interacts with the students. Good luck with your search and keep us posted. Have a great day. :asian:

Hi CI,
I'm in WTF style Taekwondo which is Korean. It is mostly kicking. We do high and spinning and jumping kicks. We do punching on bags etc. too. We do very varied workouts, forms, self-defense, sparring with gear on, breaking boards. We also have tournaments where we practice our skills and is alot of fun. WTF style is also olympic style. There is also ITF style and others. But these are the two main styles for numbers.

The Korean martials arts place may have Hapkido and other weapon arts as well. Find out how experienced your instructor would be and the owner of the school. Not all schools are great, visit them and ask alot of questions. As Kaith said visit the KMA forum and read alot before you decide. Nice to have you here, good luck in your search. TW
Greetings, C_I_A03 and welcome to Martial Talk. Have a look around, enjoy your stay and happy posting.
There are so many korean arts, starting from TKd, hapkido, taek kyon,kyon bup etc...
I m in ITF TKD(used to be, now I m more or less tai chi guy).
hey if u r lookin for getting in shape, then check out my blog(in my sig)... I m writing my own program to get into kick as$ shape... :)
-Varun Pratap-