Newb on the Board

Thanks for the update of your old post, Joey. I do hope you find the time to pop in from time to time. :)
I have not posted much here recently, yet after reading this I must chime in. I too trained under Sensei Randy Wozin, from 80' to 86' I was ranked a 1st Kyu in O.K.K.A. in 84' yet I never was issued a rank of Sho Dan in certificate form but later he put a Black Belt on me after another colleague Sensei Henry Sotelo put His B.B. on me. Sadly both of these friends & teachers are gone, I still remember a great deal of what they taught me & I would not want them to haunt me for not doing so, lol.

Randy was a family friend, he ran around chillium md as a teen w/ my older siblings. This is how I met him, after a common family friend died, Randy started a Karate (O.K.K.A.) club at the Langley Park Boys Club in memoriam for $8 a month. After near 6 yrs and moving his school to Laurel, I was 1 of only a very few students with seniority.

He introduced me to experiences with many martial artists of the DC area as well as the eastern regional martial arts circuit.

It was because of him I met Sensei Allan Nader USABF coach & B.B., Sensei Clarence Murray the Sai Man, Jhoon Rhee, Neil McVoy, Jesse Steele, Jimmy Stargel, Robert McDuffie (DC Dragons), Dale Thompkins, Don Batanga, Sensei Steve Brown & Lil' Ricky, Sensei Arnold Mitchell, Sifu Dennis Brown, Willie "Bam: Johnson, Cynthia Rothrock, George Chung, Steve "Nasty Anderson, Henry "Shotgun" Sotelo, Jeff Smith, Benny "The Jet" Urqidez, Joe Lewis (RIP), Lionel Taylor (RIP), Pat Finley, Steve Braun, Professor Jon Collins, etc..

I am sure that in a hurry typing I overlooked some members of the old East Coast Martial Arts Demo Team, lol, All people I met in training with or in competition by Randy Wozin's side. Capital Classics, Eastern Regionals (Thompkins @ MCCC) Battle of Baltimore and others.

I am surprised to see members who also are of training under Wozin Sensei. He was my 1st teacher and since I have been blessed w/ experiences training under the likes of world renowned instructors and retired champions, that sadly now my instructor and friend did not live to see. Please understand , my expressions here are of surprise and excitement, to know there are others who knew him in a different generation of training with Randy Wozin.

I have been trying to find an old copy of Who's Who in Karate book that also profiled Randy Wozin, i remember him showing me and my classmates. If anyone has insight, please share. thank you for your posts that raised memories of the begining of my martial arts path.

My friends & I have joked that with Wozin, Sotelo, and a few others now gone, we are to form a ",Dead Masters Society", lol, in rememberence of those who have taught us well.

Peace Jimi

BTW, PS: I was not training with Randy when he won to a standing "O" at the Capital Centre, but I do know it was done to the song "One Tin Soldier" The Legend of Billy Jack!

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