New Zealand Grappler Paralyzed at a Tourney


Mostly Harmless
Hey guys. I just wanted to let you know about a pretty tragic situation I found out about on John Will's blog.

I posted a little about it on my own blog here:

The gist of it is that he was competing in a grappling tournament and his neck was broken, paralyzing him from the shoulders down. He's got a long road of surgeries and rehab. Not to mention bills, loss of work and a profound, life changing transformation.

A fund was established as well as a support page on Facebook. It's all linked on my blog, as well as on the original post on John Will's blog. Please take a look.
Oh lord!

All the more reason for me to start seriously beefing up my neck.

Thanks. In a thankful yet kindof sarcastic way.

In any sport people can get hurt, it is still a tragedy when it happens.
Absolutely guys. It's a contact sport and no matter how careful, accidents can happen. Still, as I said on my blog, it could be me or any of us who train and compete. I want to support him as I can and as I hope that others would me were I the one in the hospital.
Very very sorry to hear the news about this young man :(

And I'm also glad you posted it. It gives us a chance to help him and is a good reminder to all to be as safe as we can. I think grappling is one of the safest sports out there, but it still takes a commitment from both partners to minimize the risk as best as they can.

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