New York's Sept 11 museum to display hijacker perspective

If you don't understand their tinking and rationale, you'll never be able to stamp out terrorism.

This is correct because if you don't know your enemy how will you defeat him? You might as well fight thin air.
Like we have been able to "stamp out crime"??
Museum or memorial, we don't need the perspective of these backward bastards. All I want to see of these idiots is a photograph of Bin Laden's head held in the air by a smiling government employee with the caption "Game of soccer anyone?" underneath it. That's it.
This is correct because if you don't know your enemy how will you defeat him? You might as well fight thin air.
Are you a thief or a murderer?
Of course not, but, do you need to know what their thought processes are to know stealing and murdering is wrong?
Of course not.
Are you a thief or a murderer?
Of course not, but, do you need to know what their thought processes are to know stealing and murdering is wrong?
Of course not.

Wrong perspective, I need to know what their thought processes are to catch them. No point in me looking for them in the wrong places, I need to know them to find them.
Contrary to popular opinion, all views are NOT equally valid.
Should they, then, also include a section for TRUTHERS?

Imo, yes.
Whether truthers are right or wrong, the fact is that they exist. There is a large group of persons who organize events, protests, etc. For better or worse, they are part of the 911 story.

By listing their ideas and their arguments, people can make up their own mind about them and whether it is believable. Truthers like nothing more than to be denied. It gives them even more punch.
We do NOT need to understand the ins and outs of the murdering terrorist bastards to know terrorism is evil, that hijacking planes and flying them into buildings is bad.

Keep in mind that I am not making excuses here. 911 was an atrocity committed by a group of very bad people.
Terrorism should be dealt with decisively. I agree. Whenever people want to hide other sides of the story, it is because they either know or are afraid that their side of the story is not hunky dory either. Understanding can be the difference between fighting an endless war, and finding a way out.

Part of the reason that the middle east has no shortage in terrorists is that there is a breeding ground of hatred towards the US. We can all dismiss it, but without that, it would be much harder for terrorists to find people willing to die for the cause. It would be far more difficult to find people to strap bombs to their body and get on a bus, or fly a plane into a building.

The US has a long history of disrupting foreign governments whenever it suited their needs. How do you think those people like that? The fundie regime in Iran is there because the US put it there. Saddam rose to power because the US put him there. At one time, Iran and Iraq were fighting each other, both with US support. Think about it: how would you feel towards the US if you were from around those areas, and part of your family got killed because it suited the US. Would you simply go about your life and say 'ah well, that's life' or would you take any chance you get to hit back at the US? Or maybe you would not go that for, but you'd be perfectly willing to turn a blind eye and deliver a container in the docks, or take a package from A to B.

Changing foreign policy is not going to change things right now.
But maybe future generations of hatred can be prevented. From that point of view, it is crucial to understand where terrorism is coming from, even though it doesn't change anything about the events themselves are what you are doing to prevent others.
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Just my opinion, butI wouldn't like to see a memorial/museum WITHOUT the thoughts and mindsets of the perpetrators. I think everyone should be able to see their words, hear their thoughts and know what was going through their minds when they justified killing thousands of people. Everyone should know what drove them, and what they wanted to accomplish, and it shouldn't be whitewashed over.

And it isn't too soon for that (also IMHO); that's nonsense. I was at my desk in 5WTC discussing with my peers the site wide powerdowns and back up generator tests scheduled for October when the first plane hit, and I'm telling you it isn't too soon to discuss motives here. If it's too soon for something, its the graphic videos of people jumping from the upper floors because the agonizing choice they had for their last 3 minutes on Earth was jump or burn to death. Lots of people jumped, lots. It's too soon for pics of the carnage on the ground before the 2nd plane hit, which still wakes me up at night, once in the last week in fact. But it's not too soon to read quotes from some idiot proudly saying some omniscient omnipotent superhero was going to give him virgins if he punished the Great Satan. People need to know why, not just what or how. People should know what drove them to this, and their own words is the best source of that understanding.'s true...

We need to open our minds and hearts to the motivations of these poor misguided creatures...

We must accept our roles in perpertrating the see-ins of nine-eleven.

How else shall we be fruitful in our seeking of understainding of our brothers and sisters in the Middle East? For are we not all children of Mother Earth?

We must keep our arms open to embrace their hate of us and turn it into love!

Until the day comes when we encircle the entire globe holding hands in a great human chain of peace, love, and understanding singing Cume-Ba-Ya so loud the heavens shake!

:bs:'s true...

We need to open our minds and hearts to the motivations of these poor misguided creatures...

We must accept our roles in perpertrating the see-ins of nine-eleven.

How else shall we be fruitful in our seeking of understainding of our brothers and sisters in the Middle East? For are we not all children of Mother Earth?

We must keep our arms open to embrace their hate of us and turn it into love!

Until the day comes when we encircle the entire globe holding hands in a great human chain of peace, love, and understanding singing Cume-Ba-Ya so loud the heavens shake!


I think you have misunderstood just about what everyone was saying here. No one has expressed any sympathy for the terrorists whatsoever.

When you are out hunting game do you take a penknife out into any forest you come across in the hope of killing something or do you study your prey, learn it's habits, where its den is, what it eats etc so you know where to find it, what weapon to use and have a successful hunt? We need to understand the terrorists or else how do we defeat them. Understanding isn't the same as sympathising. The police don't just hang around street corners waiting to catch drug dealers, they use intelligence and knowledge, understanding how the dealers work so they can catch them.
We can't stick our heads in the sand and hope these people go away.

It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.

The Art of War. Sun Tzu
I think you have misunderstood just about what everyone was saying here. No one has expressed any sympathy for the terrorists whatsoever.

When you are out hunting game do you take a penknife out into any forest you come across in the hope of killing something or do you study your prey, learn it's habits, where its den is, what it eats etc so you know where to find it, what weapon to use and have a successful hunt? We need to understand the terrorists or else how do we defeat them. Understanding isn't the same as sympathising. The police don't just hang around street corners waiting to catch drug dealers, they use intelligence and knowledge, understanding how the dealers work so they can catch them.
We can't stick our heads in the sand and hope these people go away.

It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.

The Art of War. Sun Tzu

So.... you're expecting the average Joe and his family visiting the memorial to view this exhibit on "Inside the minds of the hijackers" and hope or even expect that they will have some sort of epiphany that leads to the ultimate destruction of terrorists?

I doubt that very much, I must say I'm a doubter.
No, but there is more to their thinking than the old tired 'They hate us because we're free'.

Trust me, I'm the last person here to sympatize with the terrorists, but the West is not scott-free in creating the problem.

Something much deeper than 'they're free' has to motivate one to strap explosives on their chest and detonate it. And until the West gets it, We're going to keep foing the same f'ing thing over and over again. Or do you think Iraq is making us a crapload of friends over there?
No, but there is more to their thinking than the old tired 'They hate us because we're free'.

Trust me, I'm the last person here to sympatize with the terrorists, but the West is not scott-free in creating the problem.

Something much deeper than 'they're free' has to motivate one to strap explosives on their chest and detonate it. And until the West gets it, We're going to keep foing the same f'ing thing over and over again. Or do you think Iraq is making us a crapload of friends over there?


So how about the average-Joe-epiphany thing?

I've yet to see how this pertains to a memorial?

Not saying these aren't valid points nor am I disagreeing that studying the motivations of one's enemies is important to obtaining victory.

How does expressing the extremist views of Islamic nut-jobs add anything to a memorial dedicated to those that died and/or suffered because of said Islamic nut-job's actions?
I think was accepted on here that a memorial was just that but a museum is where anything about the terrorists would or ought to go.

I find it quite depressing that 'the average joe' is thought so little of, are you telling me the average American is that thick that a visit to a musuem wouldn't be understood because I don't believe you.

I hate that whole 'I understand it but the average man on the street won't so we'll dumb it down' thing.

What I'm expecting is a basic understanding by the general public of why our soldiers are being killed and maimed and why as Canuck explained, they hate us.
I think was accepted on here that a memorial was just that but a museum is where anything about the terrorists would or ought to go.

I find it quite depressing that 'the average joe' is thought so little of, are you telling me the average American is that thick that a visit to a musuem wouldn't be understood because I don't believe you.

I hate that whole 'I understand it but the average man on the street won't so we'll dumb it down' thing.

What I'm expecting is a basic understanding by the general public of why our soldiers are being killed and maimed and why as Canuck explained, they hate us.

But Joe-public has been fed a constant diet of the they hate our freedom line. At some point, they believe it.
I appreciate the educational aspect but feel it would be in extremely bad taste considering the location and purpose of the "museum" as primarily being a memorial.

Save the "terrorist" perspectives and motivations for History Class discussion.
So then its just meant to drum up hate for the Muslims. Sounds like we should scrap the whole idea.
Perhaps the WWII memorial should have a section portraying the Nazi point of view and perspective that they were the master race and everybody else should be shoved into an easy-bake oven?

I just don't think a memorial, especially one that is built at ground zero, should contain items like that.

A memorial is not necessarily geared towards educating the masses. It's a MEMORIAL. It's too honor those that died, those that volunteered to help, the cops and firemen that sacrificed to do their duty during horrible circumstances... it's not intended to clue us in on the the terrorist perspective.

The whole "PC" thing has clouded many's judgement me thinks.
Actually, I think we all understand by now what the mentality was behind the "Final Solution".
Upon further thought...

I think it's nonsense to provide any legitimacy to the motives of the hijackers and their terrorist act, be it in a museum or a memorial.

The only thing that should be said of thier perspective was that it was evil, warped, and malicious and that we should do what we can to prevent future attacks.
How are we going to prevent future attacks if we don't bother to understand the enemy and their motivations?

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