New Year same ol same ol thing`


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Well here we are in another New Year with resolutions and a positive outlook for training and great sportmanship thoughout the TKD world. We all know deep down inside we have a common bound that can never ever be broken because of the Tenets we all follow. I expect this year to be full of happiness and well being for all, but then I wake up in a cold sweat trying to understand that this is 2010 and all that good will and sportmanship is nowhere to be found, that is right the Tenets we all love is a joke at best. Integrity is all but gone, Courtesy went to the Bahama's and it is sitting in the bottom of a glass, preseverance is down to training only two days a week and not on the night that has American Idol, Self Control was with you until you sat in the chair to coach one of your players and then forget about it,Indomitable Spirit is in the bottom of a Whiskey bottle. What I am trying to say is every year we make resolution knowing that withen a few months they are gone and forgotten. We train to better ourself both physically and emotionally but do we evr train to be a better person and to walk with our heads held high and remember to say I am wrong and can you forgive me.

I have been reading what is going on between the MAC and USAT the battle over revenue sharing and why the USAT is ripping off MAC or is it the other way. This battle brings so much hardship to TKD and the growth but none of these so called GrandMasters and Bigwigs care what damage is being done by swinging alligation toward the other. We just started the USAT because of this very reason money, greed and control of power, we are forever going to be seen as those greedy bastards in TKD. When will those GM and higher ups remember it is about the athletes and the betterment of TKD that is more important, when will we come together with a front that will build and promote the finner quality of the Art and the sport? When can I go to bed and have a dream about the Art I love and not wake up to this prity brickering between these high figure? The answer we all know is never, this is not just a TKD problem but a problem with all sports and MA around the world. We are dammed for life and so is all of our students.

In closing I would like to say that tomorrow will only bring more hardship to the stage of competition. Best of luck TKD. :asian:
Whew!!! Terry it sounds like you need a happy pill. I think that the best anyone can do in any situation is their best. Be the best teacher, leader, mentor, student etc that you can be. This will be a positive influence in your life and the life of those who surround you. I think that politics in any situation is like rolling in the mud with pigs and assuming that no mud will get on you as well. The tenants of TKD are there for you as a person, let the rest deal with the rest. I also know that your students like to compete and sometimes they are caught in the middle of someones else's politics, and that impact their chance of success. That is the part that I think that stinks the most!!!
Kelly I do not need a happy pill, I am happy. I love teaching and practising TKD, if it was not for the love it would be gone forever, but at the same time I know the Open is around the corner and the season starts. With that comes all the bad that TKD sport has to offer and that is my point, as instructors competitors and coaches can we just not let the bad come out during competition and keep what is pure the athletes and there training. Remember we can only fix one person at a time and also if we do not address what is wrong it can never be fix. I am happy though

I am glad you are happy. I just about needed a happy pill when I read your post. I hope that things go well at the Open for you and yours. May the best man/woman/girl/boy win :ultracool You are right one person at a time!

I am glad you are happy. I just about needed a happy pill when I read your post. I hope that things go well at the Open for you and yours. May the best man/woman/girl/boy win :ultracool You are right one person at a time!

One thing you left out may great sportmanship be a part of this years competition and can the coaches remember it is not about winning but doing your very best at that particular time, may everyone be safe and without harm.
I was wondering if anyone else was aware of the MAC mess. I am keeping quiet as I fear my Grand Master is in the thick of it. : o
Sometimes I do need a happy pill too, as Terry do I love TKD and sometimes the bad politics and somethings about WTF that i don't like make me sad but, TKD is beautiful.

Tonight is TKD night I hope get a very nice class.

Well speaking of New Years Resolutions....

I had one, and that was to go to the Gym EVERYDAY before work. I was doing good until last week. I use the gym on Base here and last week I went and it was "Closed Until Further Notice". They have turned the Gym into a temporary living facility for the Haitian refugees that they have brought here. About 2-300 so far. When they were getting off the Aircraft some only had on Flipflops and shorts.... It has been cold here 20-30s last week when they arrived. I know they were asking for (non-military) clothing donations around base that day. As of today I still havent heard what they are going to do and how long it is closed. But what I will say is that already this year, it has been painfully obvious that I am Lucky.

So my NEW new years resolution.... Be Happy!
Terry my friend, since i have known you, your continued participation in WTF style BS has done nothing but make you miserable

this latest fight with UMAC/USAT is just chapter 42 of the continuing saga of why olympic style sucks.

but you see, here is the rub, it makes you miserable because YOU are not that guy.


some people wouldnt be bothered by the political claptrap and all, because thats who they are.

you are a MASTER instructor.

you have no interest and little tolerance for the political BS

the solution is pretty damned simple
Terry my friend, since i have known you, your continued participation in WTF style BS has done nothing but make you miserable

this latest fight with UMAC/USAT is just chapter 42 of the continuing saga of why olympic style sucks.

but you see, here is the rub, it makes you miserable because YOU are not that guy.


some people wouldnt be bothered by the political claptrap and all, because thats who they are.

you are a MASTER instructor.

you have no interest and little tolerance for the political BS

the solution is pretty damned simple

You are right in one regard but TF you must remember I do not trust anybody to train my sons in the sportside of TKD but me. So with that being said until he makres it or he decides he had enough I am in the middle of all this ****. I will always be true to the Art of TKD but I also must maintain myself for the sport as long as he is doing it.
Terry, don't sweat the small this USAT/MAC political stuff is just that. Sometimes it seems big...hell, it's certainly a huge soap opera...but at the end of the day....I still get on the mat and kick stuff. Maybe I won't get to kick stuff in the same veues going forward...but there will still be TKD down the road.

At should get some kettlebells...then you don't need no stinkin' gym :D

I hope the refugee situation at your base improves (for them and for you).

At should get some kettlebells...then you don't need no stinkin' gym :D

I hope the refugee situation at your base improves (for them and for you).


Well, I saw today the base gym is open. Not sure where everyone went. There hasnt been much said about it. I've asked, but no one seems to know. I am guessing they moved them to some type of better housing facility. The Gym was a good start to get situated I think because of the large rooms and comunity showers. I'm sure just taking a hot shower was much needed relief to many who came here. From the sounds of it, there isnt any running water there since the quake... but thats getting off subject...


Still Happy!
You are right in one regard but TF you must remember I do not trust anybody to train my sons in the sportside of TKD but me. So with that being said until he makres it or he decides he had enough I am in the middle of all this ****. I will always be true to the Art of TKD but I also must maintain myself for the sport as long as he is doing it.

i understand your logic brother, but that doesnt change anything, all it does is give you a reason to put up with the misery