New Year resolution update


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I sit my goals to be under two hundreds pound before summer, here is an update since January 1 2010 I have lost 33.5 pounds. I have been taken Acai Trim twice a day and also started out with the detrox cleanser for 14 days, I am cutting my intake to 1250 calories per day and drinking plenty of fluids. I workout three times a day, once at 6 am at the local highschool walking the track for 1 hour, then I turn to my school fo an afternoon workout including cardio machines and kicking the heavy bag, I still work on poomsae and I am able to get though all the Tae Gueks now without being out of breath. My final workout is after classes when I get home I take my dog and wife on a walk around the nieghborhood, this is between 45-60 minutes depending on how good I am feeling. I am hoping to be able to keep the workouts going even after I reach my goal.

How is everybody else doing with theres?
Awesome! good for you! My goal was to get organized and we are making great progress. Got rid of lots of useless stuff and improving procedures.
that's great terry

as for my resolution I am successfully still keeping the one I made several years ago to not make anymore resolutions and I didn't make one again this year
I sit my goals to be under two hundreds pound before summer, here is an update since January 1 2010 I have lost 33.5 pounds. I have been taken Acai Trim twice a day and also started out with the detrox cleanser for 14 days, I am cutting my intake to 1250 calories per day and drinking plenty of fluids. I workout three times a day, once at 6 am at the local highschool walking the track for 1 hour, then I turn to my school fo an afternoon workout including cardio machines and kicking the heavy bag, I still work on poomsae and I am able to get though all the Tae Gueks now without being out of breath. My final workout is after classes when I get home I take my dog and wife on a walk around the nieghborhood, this is between 45-60 minutes depending on how good I am feeling. I am hoping to be able to keep the workouts going even after I reach my goal.

How is everybody else doing with theres?

Well, I'ma takin L-carnitine before the working out. My working out consist of 3 to 4 nights of training combaining TKD/Kenpo, I know it's not much but take in consideration my averag ratio of working out sessiona were 1 to 2 nights oer week.

My problem is I can't cut my food intake and I need to do it as you are doing, my job is a desk one and I have to be seated a lot of hours per day and basically teh only work out I can do is the TKD/Kenpo clases.

I would love to be aroud 200-210 pounds (I am 260) but definetively need to cut my intake food and I will work oj this soon.

Terry, I applaud your efforts. 33.5 lbs is a huge amount to lose in three weeks. IANANutritionist, but you might want to reconsider your nutritional strategy. 1250 calories a day is not healthy for a grown man. If you're working out three times a day you shouldn't need a huge deficit to lose weight, just make sure your macronutrient ratios are correct.
Great job Terry. Keep it up.

I posted the following note to my facebook page on New Year's Eve:

My Facebook Page said:
I like to keep things simple so I have just 2 resolutions for 2010:

1: I, Charles Braun, resolve to improve my miles per gallon. I have meticulously kept track of my MPGs since I bought my car in Aug 2007. I drive a 2007 Nissan Altima Hybrid. Since getting the car, I have filled up my tank 264 times and driven 93632 miles. I have consumed 2,791.7 gallons of gas. That is an average of 33.54 MPG. While that is not horrible MPGs, for the first 2 years I had the car I averaged over 36 MPG. Lately though I have been driving more aggressivly (not road rage type aggressive, just faster) and that needs to change. Therefore I resolve to go back to the 36 MPG days.

2: I, Charles Braun, resolve to lose 52 pounds during 2010. 1 pound per week. I will post here my official starting weight on the morning of Jan 1. For example, if it is 250# than Jan 7 I will be at 249# or less. The 14th, 248# or less. The 21st, 247# or less. The 28th, 246# or less etc until Dec 31st when I will be 198# or less. To help in this effort, today I bought a new scale. Each morning, I will weigh myself and the scale will automatically "tweet" my weight to my twitter account which will then be posted to my facebook status. That way the whole world can track my progress and beat me down if I fall off the wagon. If you want the scale you can find it at

That's it. 2 simple resolutions.

Happy New Year everyone!!!!

I started at 248.1 and today, by my schedule I vowed to be 245.1 or below and I am proud to say that I am ahead of schedule at 235 even.

Anyone can watch me shed the pounds by following me on twitter (C_A_Braun) or facebook (charles.a.braun) and feel free to beat me down if I fall off the weight loss wagon.

I am doing it by watching my calorie intake as well going from 4000+ calories a day to 1000-1500. 2 liters of diet coke a day to 1 12oz can. 4-6 beers a night to 1 with dinner. And 0 exercise each day to taking stairs instead of elevators and a 45 - 60 minute fast paced walk each day.

BTW, my MPG average is above 34 overall and will be back above 36 in no time.
My reolutions were:

- Finish the weight loss journey that I began in September.
- Earn my orange belt in EPAK.
- Enhance my sparring skills by sparring outside of class.
- Start pistol shooting practice again, with an eye toward gaining competetive-level skill.
- Eat absolutely no fast food (I rarely do this so it shouldn't be too onerous).
- Be kind, patient and sensible in my personal relationships.

So far I have:
- Lost 5 lbs since Jan 1.
- I go to kenpo class MWF nights, and will test for my orange belt when my sensei feels I am ready.
- I haven't had the opportunity to spar outside of class, but I never miss a sparring night.
- I emailed the range master at the local gun club and next week I'm going to visit during the "open to the public" times. Once I'm comfortable there, I'll set up a 2X a week schedule for target practice.
-I haven't eaten any fast food.
- I have been reasonably kind, somewhat patient and pretty darn sensible in my personal relationships (what remains of them).
While I don't have any particular resolutions per se...I do have some goals that I've been persuing. Since the 1st, I've shed 7 pounds (that's the holiday weight :) ) and seem to have found an eating plan that will let me get to my goal of 215 in due time without sacrificing lean body mass.

I just completed a 5 x 4 ladder of kettlebell cleans and presses with a 24kg bell. I can now move up to 5x5 ladders. once I tackle that, I can move up to a bigger bell.

I also was able to 70 snatches with said bell wich is almost half way to my goal of 200 snatches in 10 minutes.

Also got caught up with a mess load of notes and paperwork at the office as well as makign some significantg inroads in theroay with a couple of clients in their families that have been stuck for awhile. So far, the new year is looking pretty good.

i think I'll enjoy th ehigh while it lasts/ :)

That is great Terry. The added movement throughout the day and the decrease in caloric intake is what is doing it for you. Keep active and keep the calorie intake down and you will be there in know time. You have a smart approach to your weight loss program. Cheers to you.

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