New trainee in FMA

This is a very true statement.

But in regards to MMA and Kali and their effectiveness in real life scenarios, which of the two do you think would be more effective? I know they probably both would be, MMA to me seems more like I said, very unorthadox, nothing other than wild swinging and grappling on the ground type stuff. Kali seems more effective vs a lot more types of fights, seing as MMA doesnt train in anything specific like kali does. I do know Kali is a fighting system where MMA is more of a sport.
The style someone knows to me is not as relavant as their training and mental prowess.

Someone who does MMA badly may not have a chance against someone who executes Kali superbly. Someone who is horrible in Kali may not have a chance against someone who has laser guided kicks.

Someone with a knife may have no training but could take out either a beginner Kali or MMA practitioner.

It goes back to how a person trains and can what they learn help them to be made more aware, avoid, and escape potentially harmful encounters.

So in that light, style becomes irrelevant while self-protection and self-preservation become key, with the two most realistic scenarios being soldiers/LEOs having to at times engage their skills because of duty or citizens having to protect themselves from harm.

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