* Read and acknowledged*So before this post, here's my disclaimers: I'm aware everyone has different needs/desires, I plan to check out all 3 (and am not limiting myself to these 3 options), I have the ability to email each of them and bring up any concerns I have before I go, and I know that until I go in person I won't know for sure which one I do/don't like. I've also got a preliminary ranking of which one I like the most/least just based on their websites. Okay, that said:

I would ask what type of Kali are you looking for?I've found three schools that all teach FMA (2 kali, 1 arnis) that I'm interested in. Keep in mind my main goal is kali, but if I'm going to a school anyway, chances are high I'll attend their other classes. Each of them are between 25-30 minutes away. I'm not necessarily looking for any advice on what would be best for me, as I said I've already decided that, I'm just curious about which one other's on here would go to, looking at their website. And if you're interested in their non-kali classes instead, post that too! Also the first/second/third below isn't order of preference, just going left to right the tabs I've got open.
Appreciate any reviews.
JKD or Leo / Nene? There is a big difference in focus
The Personal Training with Dan I. Is someone who spent the money and went out to his school and trained with him and his instructors out there. So it is quite possible. Everything is in place for it to be real. *Trust but verify*The first school teaches kali and aikido, each 2 days per week. Adult Martial Arts Classes In Raleigh | Innovative Martial Arts
The Website just had a few small issues for me, yet they were annoying.
Videos and pictures without exit capability on the pop-up or overlay. Random off picture click in frustration .
So once frustrated , I am frustrated and I know it will bias my opinion.
The second school teaches MMA and Kali, and focuses on muay thai. Adult MMA (they don't separate by style) is 3 days a week, while kali is only on saturdays. DURHAM SCHOOL OF MARTIAL ARTS MMA & FITNESS
I have no clue of the type of Kali being taught. This for me is an issue.
Now it might be one of those things a marketing person told them to leave out so that people call and ask questions and one on the phone the sales pitch begins.
Not sure about the other issues already discussed.
The third school teaches Si Lum Kung Fu, Arnis and Tai Chi. Kung fu (they don't separate si lum from tai chi on their schedule) twice a week, only beginner/intermediate, and arnis three times a week but one is invitation only. Triangle Kung Fu Arnis Academy Raleigh, NC
This site while not as "Cool" had the information I wanted and easy to migrate.
My concern would be the time of the class and being a weekend.
I do a Sunday night class, which catches people coming back for the weekend. And I still miss people because it is on a weekend.
As to lineage et al, David listed his rank from Remy. He has been presented Rank and titles from some of the break up organizations the formed after his death. He does not have those listed. The logos and patches are from the time of Remy.
I believe he is trying to be independent and present his resume.
As to Rick Ward, he was known even in Flint when I started almost 40 years ago . He has been around. I never did a deep dive into his history or certificates.
Summary :
The first looked the nicest at first glance and then I got frustrated .
IT did not have all the details I needed to make a decision.
The Second didn't have the details I needed to make a decision and had questionable statements.
The third while older forms and maybe not the best color choices for everyone on the planet, it had the information I needed and would be the one I called first.