New To Martial Arts

Well I just wanted to Thank everyone for their advice. I did start my TKD trainign and last week attained the rank of Yellow Belt. Now if i can just get the pivot right on a spinning crescent kick. :-)

Again, thank you all and i look forward to participating in the forum.
There is no doubt that frequent travelling will impact your training, and that it may slow your progress at times. This will be one obstacle that you'll need to overcome during your training. Known obstacles like this (or pre-existing injuries/limitations) are often easier to work around than the unexpected obstacles that tend to pop up at one time or another in everyone's training (acute injuries, major life events, etc.)

Good luck! It can be done, and congratulations on finding an instructor who sounds willing to work with and around this difficulty.
look i would say go for it, there is nothing better than the feeling of having someone standing behind you in your training and maybe you can convince your whole family into the art, it is a great family activity, and as for the time straint a little bit of something is better than a whole lot of nothingand alot of people at my academy do 2 - 3 classes a week and thats whats recommended plus u can practice during ur trips
one does what he can until his destiny is revealed to him : TAKE THE FIRST STEP the rest will stimulate your mind :flame:
Welcome! and best wishes on your MA journey.

I know with ITA you can visit any ITA school and get class credit - if there is time for that when you travel and you want to take your uniform with you. ;)
"Go For It!"

...and, welcome to Martial Talk!

Like others have mentioned, give it a try, but beware contract deals and other long-term plans. You'll discover quickly that there is a great depth to any martial art and you will find yourself in your free time thinking about what you have learned. Also, the exercise will be great for you and it will give you something to work for.

You've said your wife is on board with you training, but I wonder if maybe she would want to give it a try with you? My girlfriend and I both work a lot so training together has been helpful for us. Just a thought
Depending upon your age and overall fitness level (don't kid yourself on that one) you might want to see a doctor first to make sure everything is OK before starting.

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