New to martial arts. Looking for legit gyms in Louisville KY


Yellow Belt
I was given advice by one of the admins on here to check over a gym to make sure the leader is legit. I was really interested in JKD but no one in Louisville teaches it that I can find. I was wondering if you are from Louisville Kentucky and you know of a legit gym and the leader of that gym is legit let me know the gym please. I'm a college student here but I want to learn martial arts. I'm hoping the gym can push me and allow me to work my butt off. I want to be really comitted to this and hopefully train several times a week. Thank you.
My advice as far as looking for a JKD instructor is be extremely cautious!! JKD Instructors are everywhere, some legit, some not! Be sure to check out the Instructor before making any commitment.
A lot of people who throw some various things together call what they do JKD, so I would be careful.
I teach Wing Tsun, which is the original art Bruce Lee learned before venturing off to start JKD.
I live in the Louisville area if interested.
Hey, guys... just as a general rule, we discourage a lot of "check your PM" type posts. Some information is most definitely most appropriately shared via PM, and we encourage you to use the feature -- that's why it's there! But threads of "Fred, check your PM" and "Harry, got your PM, sent one back to you" kind of defeat the purpose of a discussion forum, y'know?

Most members get a notice when a PM comes in, so you don't really need to tell them in the thread.

Good luck, and it sounds like maybe y'all have a training connection in the offing!
Yes I'm going to get some info from him. Sorry that was the first pm I've sent on a chat sight before so I was kind of confused by it. I've got it now though.
Zac, I don't really know from JKD but there is some excellent Systema in Louisville. For what it's worth ... or not.

Oh ... and happy Thunder. :uhyeah:
There are some other people on MT who are much more qualified to answer this than I am. But the grossly oversimplified version is that it's Russian. There's a strong emphasis on keeping one's body loose and relaxed and turning the opponent's body tension against them. It's highly improvisational with very little technique. There's a lot of Systema on Youtube, but here's one compilation to get you started:


And with that, I'll defer to anyone else who can explain Systema better than I can. I never was very good at it. :o
It looks pretty cool. There are so many different styles here in Louisville it's hard to choose one.
I know of another TKD teacher in Bardstown, but I'll have to look up his name after work if you're interested.

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