New To Forum - SBD Australia


White Belt
I'm new to this forum & have been advised to intro myself.
My Name is Angela, I'm 46 y/o and am a 5th Gup in Soo Bahk Do (started 4 yrs ago) in the Northern Territory, Australia.
I absolutely love my art and gain so much benifit from it, I can't imagine life without it.
I am interested in other womens and mens attitiudes about commencing & participating in a martial art later in life. The good, the bad and the ugly side.
My three children started before me and my husband commenced two years ago so the whole family now participates.
I look forward to talking to you all.
Hey Angela! Welcome to MartialTalk. You have made a good suggestion for a thread. Feel free to post the question in its own thread and share your experiences with us. I was a "late bloomer" too when I started MA. OY! My kids made it look so easy! :D

Anyways...again Welcome and I hope you enjoy the forum! :wavey:
Welcome to Martial Talk Angela! Enjoy your stay and feel free to ask any questions you may have!:ultracool

Welcome again! :wavey: Being able to train with your family must be a wonderful experience. Hope you enjoy your time here.
Ange said:
I'm new to this forum & have been advised to intro myself.
My Name is Angela, I'm 46 y/o and am a 5th Gup in Soo Bahk Do (started 4 yrs ago) in the Northern Territory, Australia.
I absolutely love my art and gain so much benifit from it, I can't imagine life without it.
I am interested in other womens and mens attitiudes about commencing & participating in a martial art later in life. The good, the bad and the ugly side.
My three children started before me and my husband commenced two years ago so the whole family now participates.
I look forward to talking to you all.


When I studied Tang Soo Do in the early 1990's, we had some Australian students come to Sacramento, California (USA) to visit and train. It was a PLEASURE meeting and training with them. Glad to have you here!
Greetings and welcome to MT..There are a lot of "late bloomers" here, myself included..You are in good company....

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