New to forum and martial arts!


Yellow Belt

My name is Tiffany and I'm new to this forum and to marital arts in general. I took Karate in college but only took one class and got to a yellow belt. I loved it but at the time was unable continue due to fiances. skip some time and now I'm going at it again! I'm currently taking Hapkido with a little Teakwondo mixed in. I love it!
I exercise/ train 6 times a week to get my body martial arts shape as my goal is to be the best I can be! I hope to achieve a black belt one day.
It's nice to find a forum about martial arts so we can all come together and help and answer questions. nice to meet all of you!

But wait you got a yellow belt after one class?? you're probably better off that you didn't stay there lol
Hmm, taking one class means different things in different places ;)
I figured she meant one course (e.g. PhyEd 103 - Intro to Karate). It’s not uncommon for people to say “I took a class in such-and-such in college” when they really mean they took an entire semester on the topic.

Welcome to MartialTalk, Tiffany!
Hello & welcome!
Be sure to have fun & show us your progress.
Thank you and defiantly! How do I show progress? I might need to find a way to get videos of my training now and doing my forms and then take more down the line as i get better.
I figured she meant one course (e.g. PhyEd 103 - Intro to Karate). It’s not uncommon for people to say “I took a class in such-and-such in college” when they really mean they took an entire semester on the topic.

Yep, and that's a rare phrase here. If you say you took a class, you took A class.
Welcome to the forum Tiffany :D. That's great to hear you're enjoying your training!

It's a great forum so feel free to post away, great to have you here :)