SWAOTC - EP2 Predictions
Couple of predictions:
1- Yoda will fight. He will use a dual lightsaber technique similar to the art of Arnis or Escrima.
2- Jar Jar will Die. It will however, be in such a way as to move all but the coldest of heart to feel for him
3- Palpatine-Sidious and Count Dooku-Darth Tyrannus will in fact turn out to be clones.
4- Ewan McGregor will prove to even the biggest doubter that he is in fact, Kenobi, and hammer home his ownership of the roll by performing in a manner that would make the late Alec Guiness proud.
5- The battle scenes will put to shame -ANYTHING- done to date, including Gladiator and Pearl Harbor. I've heard that the scope of these battles will be intense!
6- In the battle with Yoda, you will see why he is held in such high esteme, and just what a true Jedi Master can do.
7- Where with Darth Maul you saw a Sith at the height of his martial skills, with Darth Tyrannus you will see a Sith Lord weilding powers only hinted at by the aging Emperor in ROTJ.
Am I right? Check back after you see it, and see.