New Smilies available

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
I just added a whole bunch of new smilies to the forum.
Click this link for the current list (note it'll take a minute on a dial up connection).

1 request, theres 1 big one on the list (the big nuke one) so if ya use it, please go sparingly on any additional smilies ya use.


and enjoy!

:ubercool: :lol: :xwing:
What I need is for it to describe the smiley when I hover the mouse over it. The meaning of some of them isn't transparently clear to me when I see them.
Nothing really beats the original :)

Nice job on the rest! there's a lot of great smilies that I havn't ever thought of..... looking forward to seeing them in use...

Wow, that page is taking a long time to load and I'm at school on some form of direct connection (i.e., not a dial-up). I think arnisador has a point. If there isn't already some ALT text for the image or a little pop-up box with a description when you hover over it, it might help if there were. Some smileys have clear meanings, others don't. It would be helpful to be able to just hover over a smiley if you don't understand its meaning rather than having to pull up the full list and search for it. It might be a bit of work to code that, but I agree with arnisador that it would probably be helpful.
Thanks guys!

on displaying text when the mouse if over them...I did a quick look and didn't find any info on this...Will look some more as to me, it should do that. I'll see what I can find out.

Well.... it took me time to find it...

Actually, I've been rolling em out slowly here, seeing how things go, etc.

I figure, y'all handle knives, swords, etc on a regular basis...most of ya should be able to handle a bird....

And no Gou and Vince, it does not mean you're number one.

I have to say I love the smilies. Wif wife saw them was about to join the forum just so she could play around with the. I had to talk her out of it, where else could I gripe about her cooking with out her making try som e new dish that has green and purple steam coming from it.:cheers:
Have her go here : almost 200 smilies (with another 100 to add whenever I get off my backside to do so). (its another forum of mine...oh wait, you''ve been there before.) :D
