New School In London, ON

  • Thread starter Thread starter KenpoGirl
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Originally posted by lifewise

:o I can't believe you !!!!


How are your classes going at LMA now? Lots of new students I noticed ... must be all your workouts that are bringing the people in after watching through that big window!

With the new pizza place next door, its almost like "Dinner Theatre? ;)

What LW is referring to is the fact that LMA has a BIG picture windows in 2/3 of the school, and with the shades up gives a clear view of our lessons. Espeacially in the evening with the lights on. There is an apartment building directly across from the Bryson's school and they have a very clear view, not to mention all the traffic coming into the strip mall.

Bryson has been great, letting me and the other students, really bash on him with the techniques so I can get use to doing them on someone instead of just in the air. So LW was saying to me earlier that we must be very entertaining to watch in the evening. So we were making up subtitles. Like "Will LW survive another sparring match? Stay tuned and find out". :D
Originally posted by Rob_Broad

Alright lets hear the whole story. Don't leave the masses in suspense.

Hmmm, don't know if I should. I might need a parental guidance disclaimer. ;)
I think that is a wise decision KenpoGirl. Whew! (Considering there was no drinking involved there is really little to blame the loss on) ;)

I mean really - two bras missing in action! Think about it!
Originally posted by lifewise

I think that is a wise decision KenpoGirl. Whew! (Considering there was no drinking involved there is really little to blame the loss on) ;)

I mean really - two bras missing in action! Think about it!

Now you definitely have to share the details.
Jeesh Kenpo-Girl, you have really been holding out on me this time!!! You had better tell the bra story or you're gonna get a phone call at midnight so I can get the gory details and be able to sleep tonight! This oughta be a good one....:rolleyes:
Originally posted by lifewise

With the new pizza place next door, its almost like "Dinner Theatre? ;)

OOOOOOOOOOO GAWD no.. AVOID that place at all cost... Dang,, i still think I have some of that pizza lingering around in my stomach!!! uggg!!!:eek:
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

Personally....I'll take the photo-story myself. :D

Well unlike the Osbournes (Yah OZZIE) I don't have a camera crew following me around, so a "Pictorial" is not available at this time. Though if someone wants to make me an offer on the movie rights I'm willing to listen. ;)

Gee isn't it nice how "your public awaits" this story Kenpo Girl. I have noticed your hesitance to tell them what is behind the missing clothing ... :eek: We are all waiting to see how you tell THIS one!!!!

Oh and the request for pictures - that was a sweet one! I could just imagine the look on your face when you read that post. :rofl:
(our very own shy, and reserved KenpoGirl)
:rofl: :rofl:
Originally posted by lifewise

Gee isn't it nice how "your public awaits" this story Kenpo Girl. I have noticed your hesitance to tell them what is behind the missing clothing ... :eek: We are all waiting to see how you tell THIS one!!!!

Well, Once upon a time ........... Don't worry I'll post it soon, I'm at work right now and it will take time to type out this epic. ;)

Oh and the request for pictures - that was a sweet one! I could just imagine the look on your face when you read that post. :rofl:
(our very own shy, and reserved KenpoGirl)
:rofl: :rofl:

Shy, Yes.
Reserved?? I doubt I've ever been called Reserved :idunno:

Lets just say, after all this time, I'm not surprised by anything anyone says on here. :rofl:

Originally posted by KenpoGirl

Well unlike the Osbournes (Yah OZZIE) I don't have a camera crew following me around, so a "Pictorial" is not available at this time. Though if someone wants to make me an offer on the movie rights I'm willing to listen. ;)


You can always do the 'dramatic recreation' with picture ... y'know,
just for the sake of the story :D :angel:
It was a dark and sweaty night after hours of training at LONDON MARTIAL ARTS!!! Springbank and Berkshire, London, ON. (519) 474-7161 {insert shameless plug here} :eek: ....

and no matter what I tell you it will never live up to all the naughty things that have been going through your naughty little minds. So instead of destroying your naughty little fantacies, I leave you hanging. Suffice to say, if you see any kids running around with "Double Barrel Sling Shots", or perhaps see a couple pairs of birds nesting happily in the cups of my lacey bras just wish them well and think of me. :kiss:


BTW, if you don't see me online tomorrow, I'll be out shopping for replacement, "Over the Shoulder Boulder Holders". {Now where's my credit card?} :idunno:
Oh so tastefully done in the style of our famous Kenpo Girl. :D

You had me worried there when I started to read and thought "oh no....:( "
Originally posted by tunetigress

I'd still LOVE to know where they are now! :eek:

Inquiring Minds would like to know also. :D

Honest I have an alibi for the whole weekend I was in London. Honest just ask Gou or JayBacca.

Good Story

Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Honest I have an alibi for the whole weekend I was in London. Honest just ask Gou or JayBacca.

He was sleeping with my dog. Honest!

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