New School In London, ON

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Originally posted by tunetigress

Congratulations to you Kenpo-Girl, for achieving the rank of Brown Belt!!! I know how hard you have had to work to accomplish it!!! :asian:

Thanks Tune, I think I look good in Brown. ;)

Just so nobody get the wrong impression, I'm a Brown Belt on Martial Talk only. I still have a lot of hard work ahead of me before I get to Brown Belt in AK. :D
Hi All,

I met Gou Ronin in the flesh over the last few days. Don't believe a word her says. I just showed up at his house, his lovely wife and dog met me. :D I asked if this was the house of Doug? BTW they, Gou's Wife ad Dog Samson, like me. Jacqueline gave me directions to London Martial Arts. :D

Gou is mad at me for drinking all his beer while I was there and skipping out at the bar after he bought he first round. OH did I also tell you I left town with his last twelve pack. UMMM Good! ;) :cool:

Yet, I think he deserved this, he gave me these two little sleeping bags, that fit Gou, but not me. I used one as a mat on the floor and the other as a pillow. :p

Actually, I had asked for the floor up front. It was comfortable.

Doug and Jacq and Samson, put up with me and a couple of other house guests for four days. It was nice of them to do so.

I got to meet Joe Arnold the knife maker, and had a couple of nice talks with him. Very informative. I ordered a couple of training drones from him. A very nice guy.

As for the rest of the London Martial Arts people I met, it was a good experience. Thank you all.

Looking forward to next year

:rofl: ;) :)
Crazy crazy stuff. First of all Rich stole all my beer. Rich can complain all he wants about the sleeping bags. They are big enough for normal sized people.

Yes it's true. My wife and dog put Rich in the good books. He's allowed back.

We did all sorts of crazy stuff this weekend and tons of weird things went on. Everything from finding out my hair gel glows under black light to people sleeping with my dog. I can't even begin to tell everything.

During the seminar Rich was having problems grasping a certain concept until Huk used filipino terms and then he almost broke my hand.

Rich was right. It was a great weekend and if you missed out, wow, did you EVER miss out. Great training, good times.
Though I didn't have any intention of going to Mr. Planas' seminar this year. I do regret missing Mr. Whitson's seminar. Sounds like you guys had a great weekend.

I'll be sure to attend if he's in our area again.

Originally posted by KenpoGirl

Thanks Tune, I think I look good in Brown. ;)

Just so nobody get the wrong impression, I'm a Brown Belt on Martial Talk only. I still have a lot of hard work ahead of me before I get to Brown Belt in AK. :D

Oh my Kenpo-Girl, You must have got awfully battered while I was down sick the past couple weeks. Your Brown Belt has turned Purple!!! Someone has been playing with the belt colours! And I thought I was confused before!!?? :confused:
Originally posted by tunetigress

Oh my Kenpo-Girl, You must have got awfully battered while I was down sick the past couple weeks. Your Brown Belt has turned Purple!!! Someone has been playing with the belt colours! And I thought I was confused before!!?? :confused:

LOL Seems they added a purple belt, so I still have some work to do to get back to brown belt. That's okay I'm up for the challenge.

Originally posted by KenpoGirl

LOL Seems they added a purple belt, so I still have some work to do to get back to brown belt. That's okay I'm up for the challenge.


Jeesh! I have been so darn ill that I never even noticed they did that!! The purple is a nice colour, but doesn't it come after Orange??? Oh well. I have not been well enough to stay online much less keep up with posting the past few weeks, so you will be a Brown Belt long before me, both on MT and for real K-G!! Now that they took out that electro-galvanic tooth that was apparently messing up my brain function, (no jokes about my brain function K-G, well, not unless they are really really funny, lol) I am feeling much better, and hope that I too, will soon be up to the challenge!! :o
See our FAQ forum for the full list of belts.... they are -loosely- based on Kenpo and Arnis rankings, but only loosely.
Kaith I still found it amusing (confusing??) that Kenpo-Girl turned Brown for a short time before turning Purple. I spose stranger things have happened to Kenpo-Girl! :rofl:
Originally posted by KenpoGirl

You have NO idea Tune!!!! :eek:

Please elaborate on this Kenpo Girl!? Seems since I stopped training that things have gotten rather quiet in here - maybe I am just looking to MT for my martial arts outlet now - but in any case ... lets here some of the stranger things that have happened to you ;)
Originally posted by lifewise

lets here some of the stranger things that have happened to you ;)

Hmmmm, there are sooo many to choose from. Of course there is the most recent happenings which I like to call.....

"Tale of to lost Brassiere"

Think I should tell that one? ;)

I am lost - what the heck would you be hinting at???? :p

You KNOW how that sounds huh?

Since only you, me and Bryson KNOW what you are talking about here ... I honestly don't feel I have a place to comment.

:rofl: :rofl:
:o I can't believe you !!!!


How are your classes going at LMA now? Lots of new students I noticed ... must be all your workouts that are bringing the people in after watching through that big window!

With the new pizza place next door, its almost like "Dinner Theatre? ;)
Alright lets hear the whole story. Don't leave the masses in suspense.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

Dinner theater???

Does this mean KG's desert?:D

Aaah, NO!!

I might be the shape of a plum pudding but I'm not on the menu.
{or at least not lately} ;)


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