New School In London, ON

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Awaking with my usual post Saturday night hangover, I stumbled over to visit Bryson's new school. It does look wonderful, and I wish the young lad much success. If only he would hold a book club meeting there, say, once a month, so we can discuss fantasy literature, sup tea and munch jaffa cakes while we watch KenpoGirl try and do pushups--that would be wonderful.

Just an idea, Master Ingram. Just an idea.

Originally posted by Ultraboy

Awaking with my usual post Saturday night hangover, I stumbled over to visit Bryson's new school. It does look wonderful, and I wish the young lad much success. If only he would hold a book club meeting there, say, once a month, so we can discuss fantasy literature, sup tea and munch jaffa cakes while we watch KenpoGirl try and do pushups--that would be wonderful.

Just an idea, Master Ingram. Just an idea.


We are all doomed if this is the Sean I think it is.

:anic: Flee, flee I say, lest he rain his sharp, sarcasitic tongue upon you too. I have felt the lash on many an occation. It Burns, It Burns!!!!! :wah:
Yes, it is I....let all love me and despair!!

Good to see you back training, KenpoGirl. You have a wonderful teacher in Bryson. Maybe one day, you'd be able to even beat me in a sparring match.

Don't let that White Belt designation deceive you. I am truly now an Orange Belt. I can also fire lightning from my fingers, leap tall buildings, and bend steel. Maybe one day I'll come visit Bryson's dojo, lock the door, and take all of you on.

Like in that movie I saw with Jet Li....yeah....

Dark Lord of the Dorks
Originally posted by Ultraboy

Maybe one day, you'd be able to even beat me in a sparring match.

Don't let that White Belt designation deceive you. I am truly now an Orange Belt. I can also fire lightning from my fingers, leap tall buildings, and bend steel. Maybe one day I'll come visit Bryson's dojo, lock the door, and take all of you on.

Hmmm come to think of it I don't think you and I have ever sparred have we? You were just starting to spar when I got injured. Yes we will have to give it a try one day. Did you note that we will be sparring on the 20th at LMA, Eraser from Windsor is dropping by to have some fun. Maybe you and your lovely wife can show up too. That is unless you are CHICKEN!!!!


Originally posted by KenpoGirl

There's this one technique I can't seem to stick in my head "Obstructing the Storm" it's a really easy technique, but when Bryson calls it out I just go blank :confused: But the moment he starts the tech it like D'oh whoa stop I remember now, and off I go. Its a really forehead smacker.

Anyone else have that problem? One Tech that you just can't seem to keep in your skull? :(


Whew.. and i thought i was the only one that had brain laspes too... ya there is one pattern that we do.. Dan-gun-hyung that i mix up with another pattern... I'll show ya on my visit.. but that's only if i remember it.. .ROFL:rofl:
Originally posted by KenpoGirl

Anyone else have that problem? One Tech that you just can't seem to keep in your skull? :(


Oh that it were only one Tech that would not stick, but I am afraid that all the old Tracy's ones have come unstuck and all the new AK ones won't stick and I now have one big mess slopping around inside my skull all trying to leak out! LOL! :o

No, I don't think we ever did spar. My main partner was usually Toni, since we both have the same banzai attitude.

The 20th sounds good. I have a friend from Bernardo's school who wants to spar with myself and Bryson to compare styles. Maybe I can drag her along as well. (Bear in mind I haven't sparred since I left Olympic Karate South, so maybe you'd stand a chance.)

Techniques that cause brain lapses....well, Long One is a current pain. Whenever Paul announces it, I feel this current of fear. I can practice it forever, but leave me on my own and I'm lost in the woods. When to move ahead, when you usually don't, remembering the blocks, then the punches....dear Lord. :shrug:
I know, I know - it's been nice with me being so quiet ...

So, for sparring on the 20th at LMA, we now have the following -

Kenpo Girl
Eraser (guest from Windsor)
Rob (guest from Chatham)????
Ultraboy (guest from another local school)
Ultraboy's wife????
Ultraboy's friend (guest from another local school)

is this correct? If I missed someone, sorry - please speak up!

Originally posted by Ultraboy


No, I don't think we ever did spar. My main partner was usually Toni, since we both have the same banzai attitude.


You would be surprised how mellow she has become ... must be age.

Nice to see you here with us Ultraboy :) Hopefully you and Cher both can join us on the 20th.
Looks like the 20th will be an interesting night. Looking forward to it.

Well I just go back from class. I'd like to thank Jaybacca and Bryson for helping me sort out some techniques that I loathed immensely.

Entangled wing, was the Bain of my existence. With bad knees I knew it would be murder to manage the twist stances as the technique is originally written. Jaybacca showed me how with proper technique and body alignment I could do the technique without the twist stances and make it that much more efficient and "do-able". Thank you for saving my sanity Jay. :asian:

Originally posted by lifewise

I know, I know - it's been nice with me being so quiet ...

So, for sparring on the 20th at LMA, we now have the following -

Kenpo Girl
Eraser (guest from Windsor)
Rob (guest from Chatham)????
Ultraboy (guest from another local school)
Ultraboy's wife????
Ultraboy's friend (guest from another local school)

is this correct? If I missed someone, sorry - please speak up!

Not sure if Jaybacca and Gou will be attending, they have guests in town for the Huk Planas seminar on the following day. So they may be preoccupied.

Regardless, it will still be an interesting night.

OMG! Shades of the good ole days! This-all made the words to a song leap into my mind. Here's the opening. Maybe the poets in here can have some fun with this one.

Sparring Party

I went to a sparring party,
A little practice with my old friends,
A chance to share old memories,
And play our skills again.

When I got to the sparring party,
They all knew my name,
No-one recognized me,
I didn't look the same.

But it's, all right now,
I learned my lesson well.
See ya can't beat everyone,
So ya gotta please yourself!


Many thanks to GD for his research assistance!

Let's see what the rest of you can do with this one, and then K-G can sing it for you all on the 20th. :lol:
heh heh heh

Naw ......... don't worry, I wouldn't put you guys under that kind of torchure.

Unless I'm doing really badly in the sparring. Then I might use it as a secret weapon!!! ;)
Well I was kinda hoping that one of our more word-skilled members, well, like Nightingale or Tonbo would help to write the rest of the verses first. Then, one day, I will be able to teach the whole song to the Kenpo Kwire (when I'm feeling up to it,) and what fun we could have at some seminar or other, lol! Will have to stop laffin first. :rofl:
Originally posted by Ultraboy
Don't let that White Belt designation deceive you. I am truly now an Orange Belt. I can also fire lightning from my fingers, leap tall buildings, and bend steel. Maybe one day I'll come visit Bryson's dojo, lock the door, and take all of you on.

I have just spoken with your teacher. He assures me that I should start visiting again so that you can teach me the ways of your mysterious powers.
Originally posted by Ultraboy

Don't let that White Belt designation deceive you. I am truly now an Orange Belt. I can also fire lightning from my fingers, leap tall buildings, and bend steel.

I thought it was the blue flames comming out the other end was what you were famous for??? :confused:

Chemical warfare is a dangerous and deadly thing. :anic:
No chemicals on this thread puh-leeeeeease! Those things can be hazardous to a person's health! :soapbox:
Hey Kenpo Girl - what's happened here... :confused:
Where are the witty comments, the jokes, the FUN ????:(
Is this the end? Has this comedy act run it's course?
Lifewise, I gave it my best shot with the song routine which seems to have gone over like a lead balloon, why don't you take it from here and keep us amused this evening?? LOL
Don'tcha have any funny tales to tell? :boing2:
Sorry Tune, I haven't been to the school in awhile and since I am so domesticated I have no funny tales, or tails of any sort to discuss.:D