New school challenged?


White Belt
May 10, 2009
Reaction score
Has any Masters been challenged by other Tkd school masters when first opening their school?
Not in this day and age. but bacl in the early years GOD yes.....
dig a bit deeper into the forum and you will find your answer.

These days it largely depends on where in the world your school is.
Definitely old school. Born out of days gone by, when checks and balances were in place. Good or bad, it was the norm that kept everyone honest.
It still does happen, but not quite with the fanfare of the yesteryear.

I know first hand of a BJJ school locally that just helped a young buck see the error of his ways. Very quietly, very discreetly but it was met & quashed.

I can think of a distant kung fu uncle that a few years back had an all out brawl in his school. A few years is say within the past 10 or so.

In today's society, litigation rules the roost & those things don't happen due to that (litigation) and the chance that somebody can't accept a good ol' fashion *** kickin and would be apt to pull a gun. For the most part, it's much better that they don't.

You're right though... the honesty of the MA school would quickly return if they did occur more frequently.
Challenges are a good way to maintain standards regardless of style. Of course some challenges have nothing to do with keeping up standards and everything to do with bully business practices.
Challenges are a good way to maintain standards regardless of style. Of course some challenges have nothing to do with keeping up standards and everything to do with bully business practices.

From the stories I have run across, you're right. One type involves rival masters settling their differences, be they strength of styles or issues over training Westerners, in a park man to man. A second type involves outright frauds getting a visit from experts who offer to show them how the art is really done. A rapid departure of the fake would occur. But the third type has nothing to do with honor, integrity of the arts or public benefit.... here a group of thugs would visit any new school that opened. This was simply using violence to maintain a business monopoly, and if in the modern era this would bring them lawsuits or a slug in the guts, well perhaps in some ways we are better off now than in the good old days.
Research the Denver Dojo Wars. It will be difficult. The players who are still alive are very reluctant to talk about it; there is no statute of limitations on some crimes.
Not in this day and age. but bacl in the early years GOD yes.....

Same for me. I have not seen or been involved in one for many years. They usually did not get to crazy but, some have.

Research the Denver Dojo Wars. It will be difficult. The players who are still alive are very reluctant to talk about it; there is no statute of limitations on some crimes.

Are you talking about the Chicago dojo wars? I did not realize that Denver had them also.
Let's say your master had his butt kicked in a fair fight. Would you still take classes from him/her?
Let's say your master had his butt kicked in a fair fight. Would you still take classes from him/her?

Yes. If his teachings are solid then there is no reason not to continue your studies just because he lost a fight. There is always someone better out there in the world. Now if he was claiming to be the "end all be all" ultimate fighter that no one could defeat...then yes...I would be out of there.
Yes. If his teachings are solid then there is no reason not to continue your studies just because he lost a fight. There is always someone better out there in the world. Now if he was claiming to be the "end all be all" ultimate fighter that no one could defeat...then yes...I would be out of there.

If he was claiming that...i wouldn't train with him in the first place :)

Bottom line, if my instructor lost a fight, no reason to not traing with him, unless what he teaches is rubbish. Losing cause you got caught, cause the otehr guy was faster/fitter/stronger/younger,etc...doesn't neagte the wuality of the material.

Let's say your master had his butt kicked in a fair fight. Would you still take classes from him/her?

Define "butt-kicked".

Royce Gracie got completely pwned by Matt Hughes.

I could still learn a lot from Royce Gracie.
Well basically here is the scenario. New Tkd master arrives in town and challenges the only other tkd school master because he thinks he can do a better job. Scheduled full contact match with basic rules. Everyone has time to prepare. The winning master invites any willing student to come learn with the best.
That's not Korean tradition, so if that's gonna happen, it's going to be the result of Westerners with ego attachments or who have seen too many kung fu movies.
I wouldn't study under anyone who would fall for your hypothetical scenario to begin with. I'm more interested in training with someone who would look at such a situation, laugh, and go back to training.