New revenue?



Kaith, have you considered contacting schools via the internet and asking them if they are interested in advertising rather than just let them come and ask?

I only mention this because I have been looking for something in Toronto for a bit and it's a lot of work. I'm sure a central net to look would be helpful. You could contact people via their webpages and ask. Maybe do up a special Canadian rate. Expand the base...

Just ideas.
I like the idea. Part of the problem lies in contacting them.

If anyone wants to help out in getting the word out (both from a membership and advertiser aspect) please let me know. I can send you cards, flyers, etc, or if you could photocopy the martial arts section of your local phone book and send it to me, we can send them ad packs. :)

Why not put together an e-mail package that you can just send them via e-mail?

Maybe I'm looking at this too simplisticly...
UCE policy. Unsollicited Commercial Email. Also known as SPAM. I have an allergy to it. heh
Its also a policy of the datacenter we're in. Now...if we had a list of email addresses that school/organization/stores have signed up for, thats perfectly ok.

Heh..was just thinking.... if every active member told 20 people each, we could double in size by New Years :) if those folks would each sponsor a forum, or host their websites with us, we might hit a profitable level, and within a year or 2 be hosting our own weekend training camps.

How is your profitability or lack there of going right now?
At the moment, we're projected to end the year roughly $300-600 in the hole. Don't have the full breakdown handy at the moment. Server we're on is costing $300 a month, though thats offset by some of our hosted accounts. We ended last year around $200 in the hole, which wasn't bad.

Someone will ask "I see all these cheep hosting accounts, cant you move MT there?". Nope. We use up too much server resources for the cheap plans. (MT currently pushes over 10Gb traffic, uses a GB of drive space and has over 300,000+ visitors every month)

Funding comes in, we have big plans.
Some are :
an annual weekend multi-art training camp
Mini-camps (1 day seminars, 1-2 topics max)
Convention (like a camp, only with vendor demos, discussion panels, etc)
and a few more we're keeping under wraps for now. :)

We're open to all the help we can get. More members, more sponsors. Heck, just buy a TeeShirt. :) Every little bit helps.
You could set up one of those paypal donation thigns. I know they don't bring in much but if your "only" a few hundred in the hole a year then it might be enough to break even.
All the money from my 3000 post scheme I will donate to MT!
I'll double all the mods pay, including my own.

Now...whats 2x zero? :D
Alright I got a raise Woooopieee:boing2: :drinkbeer :drinkbeer
Now I like the Idea of of vender demo"s fee samples lots of promo stuff Hey if they want to come to a weeked or single day camp and want to demo there stuff maybe they will be willing to pay to be there.
a training camp that will let some of the proceeds go towards martial talk.

Maybe some of the Seniors here as tight as they ;) are might trade some advertising space for some instruction. Possibly do some thing regionally with instructors.

I would love to have something within a couple hours of me. hell even if it were 6 i would try to make it.


What about doing some vanity advertising? Such as making specialized avatars for those who don't have them? Charge like 2 bucks or something? Offer it as a side service?

Just an idea.