New Radiohead Album, In Rainbows


Green Belt
Has anyone listened to the new Radiohead album, In Rainbows? I think it's wonderful, despite what others might say. I don't know when it became cool to not like a band you've liked for a long time so you can say "I liked their older stuff better." Who cares if you liked their older stuff? What does that have to do with how you feel about the current album? It shouldn't....sorry. Anyways some tracks that really stand out to me are:

15 Steps
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
Faust Arp
Jigsaw Falling Into Place
I haven't heard In Rainbows yet, but I'll have to check it out. I guess I'm not with the "their old stuff is better crowd." I think that OK Computer and everything that came after was pretty damn brilliant.:cool:
It's not so much I think that their older stuff isn't better, I was just ranting about how some people assume that something's not good just because it's new. And you do need to check out In Rainbows.
Once a band becomes popular, it becomes harder to get cool points for listening to them. People who say they liked the older stuff better are usually trying to establish themselves as the original fans, which is apparently cooler than being a "me too".

I'm glad the new album is good, I've been waiting a long time for some new Radiohead material. And yes, I like the old stuff too. ;)

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