New Pope elected...


2nd Black Belt
Nov 10, 2004
Reaction score
Merrill, WI
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger from Germany. I think he was a leading candidate for the job, even thoug a lot of people seemed to be hoping for someone a little less conservative and also perhaps a African or South American Cardinal.

Doesn't really make much difference to me, just reproting the news.

Any thoughts?
Yeah, it figures. They picked the favored ultra-conservative with strong commitments to John Paul II's own ideas--so, no significant reforms, continuing refusals to deal with the Church's issues, etc., essence, the fix was in.

This is the Catholic Church we're talking about. They nearly INVENTED patriarchy---and clearly, they won't be changing any time soon. One more white guy in power...who cares if the Church is growing fastest in Africa?
ginshun said:
a lot of people seemed to be hoping for [...] perhaps a African or South American Cardinal.

I was pulling for that (not that it directly affects me).
Really don't have any opinion on the matter, not Catholic. I'm curious though, from what I did read during the media blitz over J.P. II's funeral, he was a, I guess?...pope. I'm surprised to hear that a conservative church member would have "strong commitments to John Paul II's own ideas". Clarification?
John Paul II was also an extremely conservative pope, resisting modernizing forces in the Catholic church. He placed Ratzinger in his previous position as head of the formerly-named-Inquisition.

John Paul II held strong positions against birth control, abortion, and women's and gay's rights that both eroded the Catholic Church's relevance among many Western Catholics while helping exacerbate problems of population and poverty in many regions around the world. John Paul II's church also worked tirelessly to protect child molesting priests from legal retribution around the world, which is something you'll not hear too much about during the eulogies.
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rmcrobertson said:
Yeah, it figures. They picked the favored ultra-conservative with strong commitments to John Paul II's own ideas--so, no significant reforms, continuing refusals to deal with the Church's issues, etc., essence, the fix was in.
Its not like anything unexpected happened though. Anybody who actaully thought that a pope that had views significantly different that JPII's would be picked was fooling themselves. Especially if you consider that all but 2 or 3 of the roughly 120 cardinals were appointed by JPII.

And its not like there has never been a black pope. Sure, its was 1500 years ago but who's counting?

Pope Benedict XVI was the name chosen by the way.
rmcrobertson said:
Yeah, it figures.
This is the Catholic Church we're talking about. They nearly INVENTED patriarchy---and clearly, they won't be changing any time soon. One more white guy in power...who cares if the Church is growing fastest in Africa?
I don't think the Growth of the church in Africa is a reason to or not to elect Cardinal Ratzinger. In this decision Church growth and areas of greatest 'catholic presence' isn't the issue. With a foundation in "Tradition" it's not wonder that they went with a conservative I think.

BUT: I will say that I think it's...I dunno....freaky, that they chose a person who was in the "Nazi Youth" and has been the leader of THE "Inquisition".

BUT: I'm neither for him nor against him.
I don't have a horse in this race.

May God Bless'm

Your Brother