New Pankration Videos



I just received this from TRS. Has anyone seen these tapes if they are worth it?

You've probably heard of the ONLY Grand Master of Pankration -- Jim Arvanitis... Yea, the "big hair" guy known only as "Sir" to every fighter who's ever come up against him.

Well now TRS has Arvanitis and his wicked Pankration fighting system in our "corral" of world-class fighting systems. This is HUGE news for anyone interested in a truly vicious fighting system that WORKS.

You see, Pankration is comes from ancient Sparta, where you had to fight and WIN or you'd die. Get this... in one battle, only 300 Spartan warriors used these brutal, all-out hand-to-hand combat secrets to nearly WIN against a 2-million man Persian invading force. TWO MILLION. Don't believe it?... well check your history book for the "Battle of Thermopylae". It's a classic example of how a simple and mega-effective fighting system can defeat ANYONE.

To find out more about this incredible Greek system and the vicious mix of "take your head off" boxing tactics and "break you in half" grappling techniques like you've never seen before then you must get to...

Just click on the link or copy and paste it into your address bar. But do this now, because there's a cool FREE video in it for you just for taking a RISK FREE peek. Find out why SWAT Cops, Grandmasters, Army Rangers, Special Forces, and magazines like Black Belt, Inside Kung Fu, Martial Arts Illustrated, Combat Sport, and Taekwondo Times, ALL call Arvanitis the "real thing".

- Bob Pierce

P.S. I do NOT send out unsolicited emails. If you want off my small e-list of enthusiasts, just click "reply" and type "remove" in the subject line. I'll take you off my list immediately. Thanks.
only 300 Spartan warriors used these brutal, all-out hand-to-hand combat secrets to nearly WIN against a 2-million man Persian invading force. TWO MILLION.

Using unarmed combat techniques?
I doubt that they would have been so victorious using unarmed techniques against so many armed opponents. Ancient texts were replete with exaggerations and fables and I believe we have that here especially since the ad is from TRS and they have such a way with words.
300 vs 2 million.....there just plain lieing to us. Thermopylae eh.....if im not thinking of a different battle the numbers (if im accualy talking about the rigt battle, and im remembering it correctly :D) was 500 vs 3000. The spartans lost of course. There are many factors of why the spartans where able to hold off for as long as they did, as well as their effective results in that battle....not much of it had to do with "hand to hand" fighting....I would be surprised if there was any evidence to support that. Of course there are always the times when you drop your weapon... But those times are not what help you win battles.