new on this list

Thanks for the welcome. As I teach emptyhand(karate) and the sword(korean) in Carolina what lists to you think would interest me?
Thanks for the welcome. As I teach emptyhand(karate) and the sword(korean) in Carolina what lists to you think would interest me?

Maybe just about everything/anything here. Feel free to look around and jump in where you have something to add. Don't feel like you need to stay in certain forums, and out of others.

Although it is true that many cultures hid martial techniques in dancing, I asure you that that is not the case with Scottish Country Dancing. Although it will build some great legs (smiling).
Quick side note: S.C.Dancing is the forrunner for Contra and Square Dancing.
Hello Wolf.
I love Celtic heritage things. In fact, I am taking my kids to a Celtic festival this month in Aiken, SC.

AoG (an Irish boy through and through)
Welcome to the neighborhood, O.W.!! The natives are friendly, and the discussion is great. Please make yourself at home in the 'Sword Arts' forum - lots of good info and discussion there, that I think will be right up your alley.

Honestly, though, I think you will find things that you will like and discussion that you can join in just about any of the threads. Enjoy!

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