New Modern Arnis black belts in Russia
In January 2009 I traveled to Russia again, to teach the 7th Modern Arnis seminar in Russia (5th in Ekatarinburg and 9th in the east (I also taught 2 seminars in the Ukraine in 2008))
The organizer was again, as always in Ekatarinburg, my student Alexander Pisarkin, Lakan Isa, who is the russian chief-instructor for Modern Arnis. Ha has traveled many times to Germany and the Philippines to continue his Modern Arnis training with me and the Filipino Masters and Grandmasters.
During this seminar something special happened:
The first Modern Arnis black belt examination in Russia!
Alexander passed his Lakan Isa examination during the 50 years of Modern Anris anniversary camp in Germany in 2008: An now, 3 of his best students went to be tested for Lakan Isa, 1st level black belt Modern Arnis.
All 3 of them, namely Konstantin Ostroushko, Alexey Samoylov and Evgeniy Budalin showed excellent skills and good knowledge in Modern Arnis and can be proud to be the first black belts in Modern Arnis, that were examined in Russia. Congratulations!
There were also several student examinations, from white up to brown belt. All student showed great enthusiasm and all passed their new degree.
This is not a surprise, because they train up to 5 times a week (around 3 hours each time) and get special training during the weekend from Alexander. With Alexander Pisarkin as their excellent instructor and that amount of training, no wonder they are good.
It is nice to see, that Modern Arnis is also developing in Russia and one can be sure, that Alexander and his 3 new Lakan holders will keep the level of Modern Arnis up.
Modern Arnis will sure go a long way still in Russia!
Datu Dieter Knüttel
Grandmaster of the DAV
Here a few pictures
In January 2009 I traveled to Russia again, to teach the 7th Modern Arnis seminar in Russia (5th in Ekatarinburg and 9th in the east (I also taught 2 seminars in the Ukraine in 2008))
The organizer was again, as always in Ekatarinburg, my student Alexander Pisarkin, Lakan Isa, who is the russian chief-instructor for Modern Arnis. Ha has traveled many times to Germany and the Philippines to continue his Modern Arnis training with me and the Filipino Masters and Grandmasters.
During this seminar something special happened:
The first Modern Arnis black belt examination in Russia!
Alexander passed his Lakan Isa examination during the 50 years of Modern Anris anniversary camp in Germany in 2008: An now, 3 of his best students went to be tested for Lakan Isa, 1st level black belt Modern Arnis.
All 3 of them, namely Konstantin Ostroushko, Alexey Samoylov and Evgeniy Budalin showed excellent skills and good knowledge in Modern Arnis and can be proud to be the first black belts in Modern Arnis, that were examined in Russia. Congratulations!
There were also several student examinations, from white up to brown belt. All student showed great enthusiasm and all passed their new degree.
This is not a surprise, because they train up to 5 times a week (around 3 hours each time) and get special training during the weekend from Alexander. With Alexander Pisarkin as their excellent instructor and that amount of training, no wonder they are good.
It is nice to see, that Modern Arnis is also developing in Russia and one can be sure, that Alexander and his 3 new Lakan holders will keep the level of Modern Arnis up.
Modern Arnis will sure go a long way still in Russia!
Datu Dieter Knüttel
Grandmaster of the DAV
Here a few pictures

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