New Kukkiwon Logo & Certificates

"This new look looks like it belongs in a first grade classroom"

Hopefully you'll get a box of cookies with it!..........:lfao:
BIGGER ISSUE POLITICS behind the scenes:

Everything was fine with KKW then all of sudden the Korean Government was pushing for a take over of the KKW. In Korea no more than one person can protest at a time by law, GM's were taking turns one at a time walking with signs. I had just met with the President of KKW next thing you know a few days later he and the entire board resigned?

There is a push to relocate the KKW to the new TKD park far away from Seoul which nobody wants, History is being re written in formal releases of training material? There seems to be a rift between the WTF and the KKW? It would seem that a battle has been faught and lost and I am concerned what the future will be?

The last 5 years I was very impressed with the promotion of better teaching and more of a focus to traditional martial art by the KKW out of what I felt was a love of the art and the people who practice it.

All we hear now is KKW is being reorganized to make it better??

Someone needs to publish a background on the new President and board members and find out what thier real agenda is?

There is more going on that what is being said or done.
Correct me if I am wrong but I was told by members of TKD Canada that one of the reasons for change, was to prevent forgery.

may be possible, but I think it was more about modernizing thier image. The forgery prevention I think is less likely because it can always be verified on thier website with the correct information.

but really dont know what the HELL they were thinking with this design.....
"This new look looks like it belongs in a first grade classroom"

Hopefully you'll get a box of cookies with it!..........:lfao:

Wait, I thought of a new new slogan for the re-branding - which would go nicely with the box of cookies idea:

'Putting the Cookie, back in Kukki-won!':cool:

Hmm I wonder what someone like Won Kuk Lee would make of this?

Let's see how things develope, as am sure there are going to be more changes to follow.
Interesting. I just received poom /dan certs and they look the same. Just black/red for the poom. I wonder if they will change the 5th/6th dan as well. I liked the old way with the different color certs/cards based on the level of practitioner. My Gm, may he rest in peace, had a 9th dan cert that was COOL! It stood out from all other dan certs (as it should have). Of course he would say that it was just paper and gold leaf. The true martial artist does not need a paper to tell him what he has accomplished.
please tell me thats not really the new certificate:confused:

Just got My kids Poom and Dan Cert yesterday...It really is the new cert...We got the ID cards...The cards are nice!

I like the old certs better!!!

My kids gave it a thumbs down!!!!
Hot off the press at Kukkiwon, along with a picture of the new 9th Dan cert:

(Am hoping the 9th cert looks alot better then this by the time I go for my 9th Dan in about err 20 years time...)

As the Kukkiwon site is rubbish and slow (from the UK and accessing it via Safari on a Mac), the direct link to the new certificate mentioned above is:

(it's 5.6MB, included on the page at thumbnail size, but a huge file nonetheless - way to go KKW!)
Horrifyingly, I've just realised the new 9th Dan certificate makes no mention of the word Taekwondo - anywhere on the certificate! Now they've changed the logo, it doesn't even say it in the logo any more.

Are you now a 9th Dan in Kukkiwon-do?
ALL KKW Certified MASTERS...
Read this:

Message: 1
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2010 17:49:20 -1000
From: "glenn"

Subject: Re: [tkd-net] New Kukkiwon dan certificate
To: "taekwondo net mailing list"

I received a call from the Kukkiwon regarding the upcoming Hanmadang. During
that conversation, I mentioned that many people all over the world thought
that the new Kukkiwon dan certificate and logo were ugly, that they didn't
like it, that the dan certificates did not even have the word Taekwondo on
it anywhere, in english or korean. He thanked me for my input and said that
if anyone else had any comments, positive or negative about the Kukkiwon,
they should send an email to <> and that it would end
up on the Kukkiwon president's desk for him to read.

My suggestion is to write in and give your honest opinion, good or bad. It
is not always we have a chance to give input to the Kukkiwon president
directly, but this is one time that we do.

Good Idea.
Maybe we can convince them to bring back the Traditional Style Cert.
It's good to hear the fast they are still prepared to listen (am almost impressed, but quote me on that just yet ;-).
Right, tomorrow from my desk at work I will take time out to write to them...let's hope I don't get blacklisted or something ^.^
A few people I know have written and already recieved responses. Basically thanking them for thier input and saying it is being reviewed. So send them emails.

Also, I got the email from tkd-net mailing list. Glenn is the one who runs the board and has been heavily involved with TKD for years and currently USTC.
A few people I know have written and already recieved responses. Basically thanking them for thier input and saying it is being reviewed. So send them emails.

Also, I got the email from tkd-net mailing list. Glenn is the one who runs the board and has been heavily involved with TKD for years and currently USTC.

I was one who wrote and they did reply, rather quickly I might add. If enough people voice their opinoin they will listen.