New handle for my Tomahawk

I did pick up a matching pair of tomohawks. Since I've got some legitimate training with the CHinese butteryfly swords, I've found that the hawks actually can translate quite nicely into the butterfly sword techniques and material. So I work with both of them.

In fact, I had asked my sifu (oldschool, he trained as a teenager in Hong Kong in the 1950s) if he had learned double axes in his training. He said no, but suggested that the Butterfly Swords could make a good translation into the axes.
Missed the thread the first time around...thanks for the bump. :)

We don't really work bladed weapons in our kobudo, so it's big hole in our training. Probably something most people wouldn't miss, but having manually chopped down trees for pay, and done my share of chopping wood, it feels like a big piece of training that I'm missing. But to explore it is to move out to FMA, CMA, etc. and I'm not certain how to integrate a single weapons study into my Oki kobudo. :(

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