new guy with a couple of questions


White Belt

i have been out of martial art for about 3 years. i still practice with friends. i have a blue belt in Tang Soo Do.

i was checking my local area and i found that there is Kajukenbo kempo. i did not know what that is. i have read some of what it is.

I have not gone to see what it is all about yet, but i will go soon. What do people that know this style do? i mean the only thing i know about kempo is from the movie The perfect Weapon. Is that what Kajukenbo kempo is? is there joint locks? i read there are throws. how would someone describe Kajukenbo?

i am sorry for the questions. i would like to knew about this style.
i have read that kempo is a good with Self defence. that is why i would like to get involved with it.
American Kenpo from the Perfect Weapon, KeMpo, and Kajukenbo are different systems. Kajukenbo, since I think is what you're asking, does include the whole ball of wax for self defense. Contact Master Bishop (who is a moderator here), he can answer any question you have about the system.
coolridelude said:

i have been out of martial art for about 3 years. i still practice with friends. i have a blue belt in Tang Soo Do.

i was checking my local area and i found that there is Kajukenbo kempo. i did not know what that is. i have read some of what it is.

I have not gone to see what it is all about yet, but i will go soon. What do people that know this style do? i mean the only thing i know about kempo is from the movie The perfect Weapon. Is that what Kajukenbo kempo is? is there joint locks? i read there are throws. how would someone describe Kajukenbo?

i am sorry for the questions. i would like to knew about this style.
i have read that kempo is a good with Self defence. that is why i would like to get involved with it.

Wow this is coming up a lot. Hey, I studied Northern Eagle Claw KF for nearly a year, moved, and started as a white belt in Kajukenbo. Aside from the wacky and difficult fist they use, I've found nothing but enjoyment from it. Being a TSD person, you'll find a lot of similarities as well. Go do it, you'll have fun.
Kajukenbo is a American mixed martial art. It's a combination of Korean Karate, judo, Danzan Ryu jujitsu, kenpo, and Chinese boxing (kung fu). It also has elements of western boxing and escrima.
There are 4 styles of Kajukenbo. The "original method" is often times referred to a the "kenpo karate" branch, so many schools still use the term "kenpo" along with "Kajukenbo". The other 3 styles or branches are "Chuan Fa", "Wun Hop Kuen Do", and "Tum Pai".
For more information:
Mr. Bishop is THE man around here to ask about Kajukenbo!!!

...he's also, from my experience, a helpful-friendly sort.... So you'd do well to make him your "go-to man" about it.

I suggest you check the school out further. The system is GOOD stuff..

Your Brother
thanks John Bishop,

i will go check out the school when i come back from vacation. Kajukenbo looks like an art i want to persue. now i have a tough descion to make.
coolridelude said:
thanks John Bishop,

i will go check out the school when i come back from vacation. Kajukenbo looks like an art i want to persue. now i have a tough descion to make.

What school and instructor are you looking at?
this is what i found on Martial Arts Institute

i want to learn more self defence. the two arts i am looking at is kajukenbo and aikido.

i will continue to learn TSD but my instructor is sick at the moment (cancer).

i have fought in comatitions before but my main goal is to learn SD. from the info that you have given me kajukenbo will do just that.

what is Sigung?

but on yahoo i found this:;_ylt...S03ZeG7ebvWdeHAK5p4UPSFdf8-&lcscb=MtKJeZOOWTg

What do i look for in a kajukenbo school?
coolridelude said:
this is what i found on

i want to learn more self defence. the two arts i am looking at is kajukenbo and aikido.

i will continue to learn TSD but my instructor is sick at the moment (cancer).

i have fought in comatitions before but my main goal is to learn SD. from the info that you have given me kajukenbo will do just that.

what is Sigung?

but on yahoo i found this:;_ylt=AilsVpe3zr42PRpHwfZbSXqHNcIF;_ylu=X3oDMTBpZzIyMjd0BF9zAzk2NjEzNzY5BHNlYwNzcg--?id=30641270&state=TX&city=Mcallen&stx=martial+arts&csz=Mcallen%2C+TX&fr=dd-local-more&ed=o7cy0q131DxvxFjSYzJuFA1sd6wctS03ZeG7ebvWdeHAK5p4UPSFdf8-&lcscb=MtKJeZOOWTg

What do i look for in a kajukenbo school?

Sorry, I don't know anything about the two schools your looking at.
The Chinese title "Sigung", in Kajukenbo is used for the 6th and 7th degree ranks.
Go watch a class or two, talk to the instructor. Look for a school and instructor that fits what your looking for. If you have any questions about the instructors background or legitamacy, inquire at the Kajukenbo Cafe. Someone there will know about him/her.
Kajukempo is more of a street fighting art that i jusr recently saw at a tournament i was competeing in, and the style is completely different than that of Kenpo and Kempo.

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