New guy on the block


White Belt
Hello all,

Just joined the forums here and thought I would introduce myself. I started martial arts back in 2003 studying Korean Han Mu Do, earned my black belt and trained regularly until 2012 when college and career started taking priority. From 2012 on I attended seminars and classes for various styles but never stayed in one thing too long.

In Early 2019 I started studying Wing Chun and it’s since become my main focus in training. Looking forward to meeting everyone and learning more on the forum.

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It's a good forum, moderated, and with lots of very seasoned wing chun practitioners. Will be good to have some new input/feedback/questions from you. Glad you found Martial Talk.
Thank you for the warm welcomes everyone. Danny T, I’m in the perfect place then, I rarely take myself seriously, ha.

Gweilo, couldn’t help but notice the Systema logo. Best seminar I’ve ever been to hands down was taught by Vladimir Vasiliev and Konstantin Komarov, I still do Systema breathing as part of my daily workout.

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