New game

Unbidden, that old Kinks song began playing in his mind.
and so forth went that night, the mext day he a wroke to,
Giving his head shake...he remembers that before his day dreams of drag queens, walmart and BB in a box. He was about to be attached by fifty Ninjas...."Oh Crap"
"Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap," he thought. Then he realized that being attached by 50 ninjas was much better than being attacked by 50 ninjas and he realized the situation was not so bad. :D :D
And here they come, like Santa's crazed reindeer. Reminescent of a scene in Spies Like Us our hero quickly....
detaches himself from the ninjas, says goodbye to the drag queen, and boards a plane for Korea...
where upon landing he had lunch but as he soon found out that steak was really dog
The resturant owner just glared at him...