NEW GAME: Guess the author

Carol Kaur said:
North Korean. :rofl:

Was it that cyberpunk guy? Gibson?

Carol you are as smart as you are pretty! Indeed it IS William Gibson! Nice one!

My personal favorite Gibson book is Neuromancer... An amazing read but his collection of short stories called Burning Chrome is worth checking out..

Phadrus00 said:
HK Phooey..

I am not familiar with that Author.. Is he Korean? *ducking*

Lol! :)

I guess if I tried hard enough I could find hints of homosexuality in the Harry Potter series.
Phadrus00 said:
Carol you are as smart as you are pretty! Indeed it IS William Gibson! Nice one!

My personal favorite Gibson book is Neuromancer... An amazing read but his collection of short stories called Burning Chrome is worth checking out..


Awww...I'm blushing now. :eek:

OK, my turn!

1. Sex bordering on rape

2. Rampant capitalism

3. Appreciated by Allan Greenspan
May I say that you are as handsome as you are smart? :D

Although that sounds....less creative... :(

Yes! Ayn Rand it is.
1. Socially critical

2. Oddly autobiographical feel

3. Los Angeles
If you had Las Vegas instead of LA, I would guess Hunter S. Thompson.
Not Hunter S. Thompson.

Although, Fear and Loathing in Los Angeles would have made for an interesting story. ;)
Carol Kaur said:
1. Socially critical

2. Oddly autobiographical feel

3. Los Angeles
Although it's not the answer to this question, this description reminded me of James Brown's The Los Angeles Diaries and I just wanted to recommend that book to everyone as one of the most powerful and brutally honest "memoirs" of LA life I've ever had the pleasure to read. Quite an eye-opener.

Sorry for the interjection! Play on...

MartialIntent said:
Although it's not the answer to this question, this description reminded me of James Brown's The Los Angeles Diaries and I just wanted to recommend that book to everyone as one of the most powerful and brutally honest "memoirs" of LA life I've ever had the pleasure to read. Quite an eye-opener.

Sorry for the interjection! Play on...


Sounds like a salaciously good read, MartialIntent!

Now c'mon...guess an author ;)
Carol Kaur said:
May I say that you are as handsome as you are smart? :D

Although that sounds....less creative... :(

Yes! Ayn Rand it is.


And thank you for the kind words! *blush*

I Finally got an answer correct! buyah! *grin*

Carol Kaur said:
1. Socially critical

2. Oddly autobiographical feel

3. Los Angeles

I am going to guess... Chuck Palaniuck (i think that's how you spell his last name...)

Carol Kaur said:
Sounds like a salaciously good read, MartialIntent!

Now c'mon...guess an author ;)

James Ellroy? I mean, the writer of the novel upon which the movie LA Confidential was based? Hey, least if it ain't who you're thinking of, we can all take something away. I aim to educate, hehe. :D

Anyone else gonna guess?
OMG, I am so sorry Elder!! :(

Attention should pay ME. Well, maybe not... :D

Charles Bukowski.

Elder you should give the next one a go since I was so cruel.

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