New Body Scanners At CT Airport


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Lifetime Supporting Member,0,2782256.story

Travelers flying out of Bradley International Airport will soon be experiencing one of the latest high-tech tools in the nation's security arsenal.

Bradley is one of 28 airports that will receive advanced imaging technology scanners, funded with federal stimulus money, the Department of Homeland Security announced Tuesday. The shipment in the next few months is part of a major deployment of the advanced screening machines across the country between now and the end of 2011.

The machines use "backscatter imaging technology," which shoots a high-speed ionizing X-ray beam at passengers and measures the reflection of the beam, the Transportation Security Administration said. The reflection produces an image of a person's body that resembles a chalk etching, the agency said.

Supposedly these scanners will be more 'private' going on what they say in the article. Whether or not they are is to be determined I suppose.

I'll take the inept massage over the irradiated gizzard.
Here are your professional TSA employees at work:


TSA Worker Assaults Colleague For Joking About His Genitals During Body Scanner Training

Eric Lach | May 7, 2010, 3:18PM

Rolando Negrin, a TSA employee at Miami International Airport, was arrested for aggravated battery after he attacked a colleague, in response to coworkers poking fun at the size of his penis during a body-scanning machine training session. According to a local NBC report, sources say Negrin became embarrassed and angry by a supervisor's jokes as he walked through the machine.

Everybody looking forward to the full body scans? Everybody believe that NO records will be kept, TSA agents will have NO view of the person being scanned other than the scanned image? Anybody want to put money on how long it takes for 'best of' videos to make it to various websites?

Gosh, I'm so happy. We're being protected. Absolutely.
I'll take the inept massage over the irradiated gizzard.

LOL, yeah I hear ya. This is the same airport that my wife and I flew out of for our recent vaca. and the scanners were not, AFAIK, in use. If they were, neither of us went thru them. It was the usual metal det., take your shoes off stuff, although there was one time when they did use the wand, probably due to the change in her pocket that she forgot to take out. No biggie though. :),0,2782256.story

Supposedly these scanners will be more 'private' going on what they say in the article. Whether or not they are is to be determined I suppose.


There's really nothing private about a backscatter scan. Its still going to show all that the Good Lord gave ya...and maybe a few creases and sags you earned yourself. :lol:

According to the article, the only thing that's more private is that the blur out the face of the passenger, and they have the screen that captures the nudie pix in the other room.

I'm with Bob. I'd rather do the Macarena for the TSA...even knowing that my airport isn't big enough to always have a female agent available. The men have been professional. Of course, if the Union-Leader ever runs a story about how a middle aged woman cold-cocked a male TSA'll know why. ;)
I think it continues to matter to me not in the least because it STILL isn't going to change the fact I still refuse to fly except in cases of absolute necessity( absolute necessity" to fly doesn't happen anymore since my family's all here, I can catch a train to NY/NJ if for some reason I wanna visit my sister, and I've done all the foreign/outside U.S. soil travel I'm ever going to).
Backscatter imaging technology provides photo-like imaging that can detect objects (plastic weapons, ceramic knives, drugs, car bombs, liquid explosives) that regular X-ray scanner and metal detectors may miss. The downside is it sees through clothes so passengers are subjecting themselves to a peep show. So, here's what the airport authorities are doing, they distort the image so they won't appear as life-like and they blur the sensitive areas. But the problem is, now that the images are obscured can it still provide increase security? Another question: For people who travel often, are they exposing themselves to dangerous levels of radiation? So, I don't know but there are still a lot of pros and cons to be weighed here.
Plus, this only works on items outside the body.

So, double balloon some nitro, and swallow. First bit of turbulence, that fart'll bring the plane down fast.
I'll take the inept massage over the irradiated gizzard.

With me being a bit overweight, not attractive and male, the chances of the TSA agents sending me to the full body scan line are diminished. Even if they wanted a good laugh, I can still opt out...I think.
Plus, this only works on items outside the body.

So, double balloon some nitro, and swallow. First bit of turbulence, that fart'll bring the plane down fast.

Not quite. From what I understood, it is very hard to detonate nitroglycerine in a close container by shaking it... But I get your sentiment.

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