Supposedly these scanners will be more 'private' going on what they say in the article. Whether or not they are is to be determined I suppose.
Travelers flying out of Bradley International Airport will soon be experiencing one of the latest high-tech tools in the nation's security arsenal.
Bradley is one of 28 airports that will receive advanced imaging technology scanners, funded with federal stimulus money, the Department of Homeland Security announced Tuesday. The shipment in the next few months is part of a major deployment of the advanced screening machines across the country between now and the end of 2011.
The machines use "backscatter imaging technology," which shoots a high-speed ionizing X-ray beam at passengers and measures the reflection of the beam, the Transportation Security Administration said. The reflection produces an image of a person's body that resembles a chalk etching, the agency said.
Supposedly these scanners will be more 'private' going on what they say in the article. Whether or not they are is to be determined I suppose.