New 3rd Dan

Congratulations MJD!

Besides the breaks and the written exam, what else did you do? You mentioned it has been 7 years since your Ee dan test. How long have you been training?


I have been training for 17 years total.

The test started with a goal I made 1 1/2 years ago when I promoted my first black belt, I new then that I must set an example and continue to work on my on advancements. I had to take 2 pre-test both were all tenhnical evaluation only (no breaking, no sparring), each were 6 months apart. The first one I failed because I was not up to speed on some of the requirements and they wanted to test my loyality, the secound I spent time with a mentor (4th dan) to get up to speed on all the required stuff then I past the second one and was allow to take the real test.

If you ask why I waited 7 years, well I start my own studio just after my eedan test and I got lost in it, forgot about myself.

The test was a 100 question written exam, I got 96% on it, then we started on basics, combos, stances, ect, then we did evey Hyung (kata) I have ever been taught, 2 times each up to Jindo, weapon forms including bongs and Dan Gum, then we did 30 hand self defense, 30 kick self defense, 30 hapkido self defense, they we did break falls of all kinds, free style self defense against 2 attackers, then sparring one on one with everbody (15 of us testing), two on one, then four on one, them last was the breaking, then last but not least was the oral question and answer part, it was done.

The pace was fast, they didn't let us get any idol time at all, it was fun, I really enjoyed it and felt really good about it when it was done.

That's it
At 50 years old and not having tested in 7 years I was very nervous and concerned about the phyical part, turns out not to be a problem, once things got started I felt like a 25 year old, I will admit I was sore for the next 2 days after.

Congratulations...Well done..
Sorry I'm a bit late on this...


Like I always say, you're never too old to do martial arts... Not that I consider you old, either...