Never Too Late To Start

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni***-pensi...t-in-karate-at-the-grand-old-age-of-75-78810/

Kick-*** Pensioner Proves He’s Still Fighting Fit By Landing Second Black Belt In Karate At The Grand Old Age Of 75

"Joe Thornton came to the martial art late in life – aged 62."

So there you go. Never too late to start training.
Martial arts is one of those activities where you see a lot of people past their 60's do. You may see a couple do golf or tennis but they often have a lot of joint damage that comes with it.
Martial arts is one of those activities where you see a lot of people past their 60's do. You may see a couple do golf or tennis but they often have a lot of joint damage that comes with it.
When I go to martial arts conventions, you can tell what art someone does by the injuries they have sustained. Lots of karate guys with ankle wraps from working on hardwood floors, judo guys with bad knees and hips, etc.
That's awesome! We have a 75 year old sandan in our dojo. He's quite excellent, actually. Sneaky, fast, and he hits hard.
My youngest's Aikido dojo a man there in his 70s just got his black belt a couple years ago (he was in his 70s then too). Due to his age they were willing to waive the actual test based on his Sensei's recommendation, should he desire. He chose to go through the testing, did great, still going strong and is in better shape than I am
Please let me introduce you to Dr. Harlan Van Over. Dr. Van Over was an airman in WW2, flew 35 missions over Germany. After the war, he went to college on the GI Bill and became a doctor. He had a full career and retired. He got bored and was looking for something to do, so he decided to start Taekwondo training. He is now a 6th Degree Black Belt and next summer, he will be inducted as a Master Instructor at age 94.

And he'll run your wheels off!