Never give a sword to a man who can't dance.

Ken Morgan

Senior Master
MT Mentor
Apr 9, 2009
Reaction score
OKÂ…..this guy has no clue as to what real swordmen/women are about. HeÂ’s talking about the idiots and crazyÂ’s. These people show up to the dojo on a regular basis and last all of about one or two classes.

It would have been newsworthy if Michael Brea, a young actor from the television series Ugly Betty, had killed his mother with a gun. But when he slashed her to death last November in Brooklyn, N.Y., with a 3-foot-long Masonic blade, his crime made the front page: A sword nut gone berserk.
This article is making the rounds. Wanker doesn't even cover it. There is a wonderful rebuttal of his steaming pile of feces here:\
I deliberately did NOT forward or link the article anywhere. He already has enough of a pulpit without me driving more traffic to it. If Slate were an internet forum, this guy would be labeled a Troll. I keep waiting for Slate to die the internet death.


Peace favor your sword,
I deliberately did NOT forward or link the article anywhere. He already has enough of a pulpit without me driving more traffic to it. If Slate were an internet forum, this guy would be labeled a Troll. I keep waiting for Slate to die the internet death.

Me either. However, trash sells. This guy will probably sell very well for a long time. It's far easier to ridicule something rather than judge it on its merits.

Best regards,
