nerd seeks women help

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You're all either drunk or high.

Dood! Date as many women as you want in high school. That is what high school is for.
Originally posted by GouRonin

You're all either drunk or high.

Dood! Date as many women as you want in high school. That is what high school is for.

Hmmm, another valid point. I was more of the "party dog" in H.S.
while a very close friend was extremely focused on academics.
He made the comment that if he had to do it all over again, he
would've partied more, and I said I would've studied more. Guess
it's all based on perspective. I say a serious relationship can wait.
Dating on the other hand ... should be enjoyed while you're still
Im high but thats beside the point. I always find that a gun to the forehead makes them like you pretty fast. But other then that I havnt been very successful......
people should definitely date in high school. if you don't, you end up kinda naive. if you get your heart stomped on good when you're in high school (and it'll seem devastating at the time, but you get over it really, really quick), then you tend to approach adult relationships with a little more caution and tend to wait until you know someone before falling madly in love.

realize that the person you're with in high school probably isn't the person you're going to be with forever, because you both still have a lot of growing to do, but they're someone who can teach you a lot. Just try to look at it this way... treat the girl you're out with the way you would like a guy to treat your future wife.
First of all, don't be yourself. That's a total crock. If you were being yourself, you'd fart and then giggle incoherently for fifteen minutes. The chicks don't dig that. What you're looking for is the facade of sophistication. Get a confederate to fart and giggle in front of you, and then roll your eyes (suppress laughter) and say something to the tune of "Oh, grow up."
Second, pick a genre. If you can, jock it up. If not, become Mr. Punk Rock Guy, Burnout Boy, Debate Dave, Thespian Theo. Look at it this way...the jock guy gets the jock groupies. The punk rock guy gets the punk rock chick. But without an identity, particularly in high school, you're screwed. Nobody's going to care about how nice and sweet you are.
Third, spy. View your situation as if you're going to war. No one would go to war without intelligence, right? Plant electronic listening devices everywhere she might be. Tap her phones. Get a quality pair of binoculars to gather intelligence on her at home.Fourth, and I alluded to this earlier, use bribery and confederates. You're into the martial arts: get somebody to "attack" her, and POW, here comes our hero Deathtrap to kick *** and send the assailant running off! Cue harp music, Cupid firing a salvo into her luscious...uh, soul. Bribe her friends. Most chicks in high school would sell their friends to the Jawas, because they're really only there to compete with each other anyway.But make with the nice-nice before you try to bribe, and understand that if you're too dorkdified, the intended recipient of the bribe will instead turn on you like the evil snarling Kali incarnation you know her to be, and your humiliation will be great.
And most importantly, be assertive and aggressive. Remember that saying of the SAS, "He who dares, wins."
Good luck.:asian:
I think being Mr.Punkrock boy is the road towards getting your lamer *** kicked.

This is just my opinion though. If your a computer dork, find yourself a computer dork girlfriend who thinks being a computer dork isn't so bad.
Ok, mhmm....well...I never did really need any advice, but most of its pretty funny stuff. The only problem I have with girls is im shy to ask them out, thats it.I already know girls who like me.

But keep going with the advice that last one was pretty good.
Carbon2 got both himself and Carbon1 permanently banned from MartialTalk.
gee what was the last straw? I guess that was a long time in coming but I honestly thought he had toned it down a bit lately.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by Deathtrap101

Ok, mhmm....well...I never did really need any advice, but most of its pretty funny stuff. The only problem I have with girls is im shy to ask them out, thats it.I already know girls who like me.

But keep going with the advice that last one was pretty good.

dude, just ask.

the thing is... although you've got no guarantee she'll say yes, if she's a nice girl, she'll be flattered, even if she doesn't return your feelings, so she will be nice about letting you down easy. If she isn't nice about it, she's not someone you'd want to be with anyway.

girls are shy too.... and we're kinda brainwashed into thinking that the guy oughta be the one asking, which is unfortunate.

Try to be her friend first and get to know her. Then, I'd suggest asking her to a movie. Don't call it a date. Just say "would you like to go see (insert name of scary movie here) with me?" and leave it at that. She'll let you know if she's interested in any more than friends. (grab her hand during a scary part... if she likes you, she'll just hang on after the scary part is over...if she doesn't like you, she'll let go, and you have your answer with no bruised egos involved.)

best of luck.


Carbon was suspended until the end of the month due to some recent posts. His choose to create a 2nd account to circumvent the suspension. By his actions, he chose to be banned. All he had to do was be mature and wait until 11-1-02. Because he didn't, he is now gone.
Tell them your gay, then when you have lulled them into a false sence of security, jump them and explain that you have never done it with a girl before but she could be the one to turn you back :D :p :rolleyes:

PS: It's never worked for me as I have very high morals and could never so something like that. ha ha
pants are good...especially if you have scrawny or really hairy legs. shorts are tolerable. skirts and dresses...don't go there.