Needing a TKD book


Senior Master
Apr 30, 2007
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Good day all, I need a TKD book, you know.. one of these books that shows the techniques and it's names and also show self defense aplications and poomse too.

Wich one you advise me to buy and weher I can find it?

Good day all, I need a TKD book, you know.. one of these books that shows the techniques and it's names and also show self defense aplications and poomse too.

Wich one you advise me to buy and weher I can find it?


Two outstanding books by two outstanding MT members:

Stuart Anslow's Ch'ang Hon Taekwon-do Hae Sul - Real Applications to the ITF Patterns: Vol 1

Simon John O'Neil's The Taegeuk Cipher: the patters of Kukki Taekwondo as a practical self-defense syllabus

Both excellent, both highly reality-based, both treat the reader as an intelligent agent able to think clearly, without mystification, about MAs as a tool for self-defense, both contain excellent, accurate historical information about the sources of TKD, and explain what the implications of that history are for the combat interpretations of TKD hyungs. Great stuff, in short.
Any one else, who want's to advice me in another TKD book?

For basic technique, I suggest Secrets of Korean Karate by S. Henry Cho. Taekwondo by Richard Chun is also a good primer. Neither really explain forms and bunkai although Mr. Chun's book has an overview of the WTF poomse.

Really, no ONE book will satisfy every niche. You may have to buy a few to cover everything, and by then you'll realise how few MA books manage to do anything more than just demonstrate (not teach) basic movement.
Make sure you go to
That is run by eBay and is for books and video games only. I get all of my books there for around $5.

Also, has a lot of good books that have free shipping.

Still, is the way to go.

Check out e-bay. I have purchased more than one book for Tang Soo Do that way.

Somewhat off topic, but I agree with tsdclaflin. I just picked up GM Hee Il Cho's 3 volumes on ITF hyung for $6 on ebay. Sure they were used, but still in good enough condition for my purposes.
Somewhat off topic, but I agree with tsdclaflin. I just picked up GM Hee Il Cho's 3 volumes on ITF hyung for $6 on ebay. Sure they were used, but still in good enough condition for my purposes.

Yes e-bay can get you alot of stuff pretty cheap, if you have the time to do that.
frankly I am not a big fan of TKD books. While I consider myself still at the beginning of the journey, I have figured our very quickly that TKD is what the big guys in your perspective organization say it is. That applies to terminology and most definitly to forms. Heck we can't even agree to call them by a uniform name!

But if you are inclined to imerse yourself in the written art, do check out the used books sites mentioned. And do check out your local library. I am sure that your hometown has one, it might have a selection on the subject as well. Mine had a few, Tuttle's on Martial arts if I rcall right, TKD and Karate. An low and behold, they where very similar, but nothing to the style I am training in.