Need some advice..please help!!


Yellow Belt
I need some advice. Years ago I trained in Shaolin Kempo and attained the rank of brown belt. 15 years later I found a kempo instructor at the local ymca and joined the class. He let me keep my rank of brown belt but I had to re learn alot of the material. The material is comming back to me pretty quick with the help of this site and also other sites on the internet. ( I have been able to go to 1 to 2 classes a wk wich is good based on my schedule, with work and my kids. Within the last I have been taking a TKD class, World Taekwondo Federation. I really enjoy the tkd class and the kempo class. It is alot of work trying to get to both 2 classes of tkd and one kempo class. Not really fesable. I have been doing one class kempo and one class tkd. Not to mention the cost to do both. Is anyone doing 2 disciplines of martial arts or should I pick one and focus on that art. Also what do you recommend TKD or Kempo.

Thanks for your help

It's really up to which one you enjoy more, and which one fits your schedule better. Those are the two things that will most impact whether or not you continue.
It's really up to which one you enjoy more, and which one fits your schedule better. Those are the two things that will most impact whether or not you continue.

Try this. Which class would you be more upset at missing if your boss called and said you had to work mandatory OT that night?
I think it really comes down the issues that you mentioned (time and money). If you fel teh time and/or money commitment is too much...then you should cut back. If it is worth it, then keep training.

Personally, I study two arts at the moment...but that is ebcause both fit into my schedule and my budget. If my schedule or my budget changes...I will Have to make a decision based on where my heart is at that time.

the two arts are very different and until you are solidly based in an art i usually recommend sticking to one thing. It comes down to what do you want out of the martial arts and which style provides you with that. Once you can answer that question choose and stick to one art for a good number of years before mixing it up by studying anohter art. seminars and the like are fine. Your choice, of course, but my recommendation is to find a base art and really master its basics and use your other studies to deepen your understanding and increase your skills in your chosen base art.

Personally I would focus on one art and then the other. At least you are being active , and that is a good thing !
I started off in Kenpo a long time ago. Then I left and trained in other systems. I have now went back to Kenpo, but I still train in the other styles in addition to the Kenpo. I will always continue to train in those style and I will eventually take up another style and train in it along with all of the others.

I guess what I am trying to say is, we all need to continue to train in order to challenge ourselves. But I choose to learn one style at a time. i have done the 2 styles at one time thing before and it can be completely draining on the brain and body. Choose one and then, when the time is right, you can take up another. JMO.
I stopped my training in Kenpo two years before beginning my training in Cha San Ryu (moving 3 hours away from any Kenpo school rather forced my hand on that, however)...since my schools are so far from each other (my home Kenpo school is actually 5 hours away), training in both at once is impossible.

For me, I think I prefer training one at a time; it keeps things simpler in my mind and helps me focus just on one thing. But if you don't have trouble keeping it separate, and the finances/time factors don't make it difficult, I say go for it :) Tis all in what works best for you. Someday I hope to cross-train into another art, hopefully while remaining active in CSR, but I'm not quite there yet ^_^

Well, you could try to do both at the same time, but I would advise against it. Wait until you get a good understanding of one, and then start training in the other. Brown belt (assuming it is a rank close to Black) could be fine. But, if you have been out for 15 years, I'd tell you to pick one.

Also, in Cuong Nhu, If you've been out for an extended period (like you did), there is a good chance you would have to start over. And thats within one style. To say nothing of going from one version of Kempo to another (which is likely considering Kempo is not one style).
I need some advice. Years ago I trained in Shaolin Kempo and attained the rank of brown belt. 15 years later I found a kempo instructor at the local ymca and joined the class. He let me keep my rank of brown belt but I had to re learn alot of the material. The material is comming back to me pretty quick with the help of this site and also other sites on the internet. ( I have been able to go to 1 to 2 classes a wk wich is good based on my schedule, with work and my kids. Within the last I have been taking a TKD class, World Taekwondo Federation. I really enjoy the tkd class and the kempo class. It is alot of work trying to get to both 2 classes of tkd and one kempo class. Not really fesable. I have been doing one class kempo and one class tkd. Not to mention the cost to do both. Is anyone doing 2 disciplines of martial arts or should I pick one and focus on that art. Also what do you recommend TKD or Kempo.

Thanks for your help

My advice for what it is worth, is that you should concentrate on the Kempo class. you have attained in the past a brown belt rank, get that back and then go on to be part of the dan ranks .. then look at TKD or some other style.
Thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it. I think I will concentrate on the kempo class for now and see where that takes me.



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