Need help to Wing Chun


White Belt
I need a help
I am looking all about Legends about Wing Chun
about the Ng Mui Myth
All about the Legend about the Red Boat or similar Storys
Legends about the Rebellion
Documents, and what else is possible
Hope somebody can help me
Wikipedia is also very helpful.

Bear in mind that there is no satisfactory/determined history regarding wing chun. There are numerous stories and legends on the subject but nothing that has been completely proven

From what I can gather (as a quick summary) was that wing chun was devised amongst Shaolin monks to help assist women and smaller monks fight bigger opponents

When the Shaolin temple fell, many of the monks fled including Ng Mui
This was where wing chun was supposed to have derived from

However, there will have course have been other monks with the knowledge of the wing chun system
I prefer Documents in Internet to download, any language, about the old legend, the Red Boat, the old Historys and so on
Actually Ng Muy is not a myth according to the local legend,she was a real person so was Yim Wing Chun,as handed down by the monks and local peoples,as far as the real story goes;not trained by a snake or a crane.What ever story, there is the facts speak for themselves,no documentation required,ask the Yip man linneage or internet research yourself.
Whatever the linneage,the style or not style of Wing Chun we should respect the fact that at least we have pieces or parts of an incredible style of martial arts.I am sure that every art has it's root.I was fortunate to have studied under Sifu Steve Brandon,Sifu Robert Jaquette,and atttended a seminar conducted by GM Leung Ting Himself.AT LEAST they stick to the principle behind the art(which speaks volumes),to deviate is to make it your own,there IS a reason why it works the way that it does,for all of you people that ever took physics.The incredible style speaks for itself.If you still have doubt buy the Dynamic Wing Tsun tape or join a school or pick a fight with a student who is adept.That is all I have to say.Why does Wing Chun take the beating that it does?I have noticed that in other forums at least the people have respect for their art,however complete or incomplete,they are at least attempting to put together the broken pieces as opposed to tearing their art apart or snipping other practitioners,instead of building or fortifying.What gives?This is a Wing Chun Forum!Stick to the subject matter,if not consider some other thread or forum,thank you!
Actually Ng Muy is not a myth according to the local legend,she was a real person so was Yim Wing Chun,as handed down by the monks and local peoples,as far as the real story goes;not trained by a snake or a crane.
Hey Joe--no need to get testy! The word "myth" in reference to folklore and oral traditions doesn't mean a lie or falsehood. It means a tale that has taken on a greater or transcendent meaning within a given cultural context. Certainly many myths, especially about origins and cultural heros may begin with an actual person who's story grows in the retelling until it assumes "mythic" proportions. Think about the stories we tell about historical figures like George Washington or Abe Lincoln. Nobody really believes George actually threw a silver dollar across the Potomac or chopped down that cherry tree. As far as I'm concerned the same holds true for Yim Wing Tsun. But I don't really care if she actually beat up that bully or not. The "myth" has so much more to teach us than what little factual history we have of her and the other very early figures of the Wing Tsun lineage that Dr. Leung Ting has researched.
OK, so I went overboard,I apologize to everyone.I just don't like it when anyone beats up Wing Tsun.If you have to beat it up by by belittling Wing Tsun,then at least have some respect for the art or other arts.Thats all......
My appreciation for who I have trained with and what I have learned runs deep.Comparisons OK.Bashing not good.Maybe I took the whole thing a bit too personal.Again I aplogoose.:biggun:
Hey what about the Ling Lom style? or the flying Monkey style,the mysterious style where Wing Tsun was supposedly derived from? GM Leung Ting makes mention.......
Hey what about the Ling Lom style? or the flying Monkey style,the mysterious style where Wing Tsun was supposedly derived from? GM Leung Ting makes mention.......By the way hello Geezer! Long time no see!
Thats what is great about this great Democracy of ours! DEBATE! OPINION! IDEAS!have a good one Y'all!
Check out this thread "Wing Chun history" It quotes an article written by Benny Meng & Alfredo Del Brocco. A very interesting article .

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