Need help please!

I'm not trying to be rude or argumentative - I am attempting to understand why your experience with an abusive/stalking situation is so different from my own.

Or anyone else's.... :rolleyes:
I have used a pellet hand gun automatic to keep an attacker at bay.
I aimed for the knee cap and than fired towards the head bringing the attacker to the ground. The range of shot was maybe 15 feet the shot was at the forehead causing the attacker to be grounded for perhaps 30 seconds-1 min long enough for me to run. This was done when I was younger at the age of 16. This is my personal experience in using a pellet gun on a person.

Here is one link which shows the dangers of a pellet gun
There are more links on search engines.
there are different sized pellets and different strengths of pellet gun.
-there are also darts, but usualy only single shots.
if the attacker is armed with a real gun however, one could easily become a sitting duck.
smart would be to hold a loaded pellet gun in a believable way and then use ones voice as the weapon. shooting only as a last resort. because if the attacker realizes that all you have is a pelletgun and not incapacitated, that spells serious trouble-possibly even if the attacker is unarmed. you could also look into different kind of gas guns for sd...using it indoors tho you's have to avoid teargas etc. basically, a gun used for firing blanks as a signal but can also hurl different kinds of gas at the attacker at high speeds. shooting at closerange could even cause serious injury or death.

like others on the forum, im not too fond about using a knife. to use a knife well, you practically have to be a predator. the more sneaky the more effective. chances are you may have good upperbody stregth. but still, think about it, the sheer violence and unretractable action of cutting or stabbing another human being. im sure you can think up better ways of controlling an attacker that's not out to kill you in the first place.
however, if you're into knives now, and would feel better or even safer having one, then what's stopping you? go to. i got my first knife when i was around 7. but it was careless handeling of glass and broken jars that cut me up first.
basically, anything can be used as a weapon.

Well, I asked for some suggestions on what taser would be the best to look into but I'm still waiting for suggestions.
A taser is not a self-defense weapon UNLESS you are capable of either subdueing -- handcuffing -- the attacker while they Taser cycle is running, or of escaping during the cycle. The civilian Taser has 30 second ride, as I recall. The idea is that the attacker is largely incapacitated while they "ride the lightning", and you can get away and summon help. For law enforcement -- while they're disabled during the shorter, LE cycle, we move in and cuff them.

I am not aware of any other product on the market that is as effective as Taser's. Any other stun gun works on pain compliance, and a strong or driven person, or a drunk or high person, can overcome pain -- or just not feel it. Tasers, as I explained earlier, work on a patented pulse-wave that induces Neuromuscular Incapacitation.

Making the huge leap to take you at your word -- a Taser is the last thing either you or your parents want. It's not applicable to YOUR particular self-defense situation.
Well I have been thinking about this and really you only have one option and please I am not trying to be ugly here so just consider this.

Since the local police are unwilling to help you and your mother and you are affaid for your own lives the option left is moving to another section of town away from the Idiot. This way you do not need to live in fear anymore.
Hey Kaizasosei I agree with using the pellet gun as if it is a real gun without firing Hell I believe in having an Actual Gun vs a pellet gun any day. The reason I brought up Pellet gun because the poster would not use a real gun and the only thing I could think of from long distance close to a gun is a Pellet gun. I think we are all in agreement a pellet gun is not the best source of protection but when the poster limits himself to certain things I for one run out of ideas.
I have used a pellet hand gun automatic to keep an attacker at bay.
I aimed for the knee cap and than fired towards the head bringing the attacker to the ground. The range of shot was maybe 15 feet the shot was at the forehead causing the attacker to be grounded for perhaps 30 seconds-1 min long enough for me to run. This was done when I was younger at the age of 16. This is my personal experience in using a pellet gun on a person.

Here is one link which shows the dangers of a pellet gun
There are more links on search engines.
Used VERY effectively, in the right combination of circumstances, a high power pellet gun MAY be a sufficient deterrent.

It's more likely to only make things worse, though. And -- in a real world situation, a cop (or a civilian) isn't going to be expected to distinguish between a pellet gun and a real gun as a general rule. Too many pellet guns are very similar to real guns; relying on a pellet gun in a real world self defense situation by choice, not necessity, is a bad choice.
Skitch, with all due respect ...

... in most states, threatening someone with a weapon could get that person arrested and charged with something called Simple Assault.


Any responsible law enforcement officer here will tell you that while they must know the law, taking their advice as legal counsel would be a mistake.

That said ... I am having a hard time believing you. Your story self-contradicts and I will refrain from advising you further.

Good day.
Used VERY effectively, in the right combination of circumstances, a high power pellet gun MAY be a sufficient deterrent.

It's more likely to only make things worse, though. And -- in a real world situation, a cop (or a civilian) isn't going to be expected to distinguish between a pellet gun and a real gun as a general rule. Too many pellet guns are very similar to real guns; relying on a pellet gun in a real world self defense situation by choice, not necessity, is a bad choice.

Well said...

Skitch, with all due respect ...

... in most states, threatening someone with a weapon could get that person arrested and charged with something called Simple Assault.


Any responsible law enforcement officer here will tell you that while they must know the law, taking their advice as legal counsel would be a mistake.

Also well said...
Skitch, with all due respect ...

... in most states, threatening someone with a weapon could get that person arrested and charged with something called Simple Assault.


Any responsible law enforcement officer here will tell you that while they must know the law, taking their advice as legal counsel would be a mistake.

That said ... I am having a hard time believing you. Your story self-contradicts and I will refrain from advising you further.

Good day.

This is all that needs to be said
Well, first, I'm not a "sir"; I'm a "ma'am"! :lol:

Second, with all due respect, you have not told us what your physical capabilities are or are not - there are quite a few gradations of ability with people who are in wheelchairs, and nothing in this thread has given us any indication of what your ability level is. Without some indication of what you can and cannot do, there's little anyone can tell you about what an appropriate weapon might be.

Third, you have also not told us how this person, apparently repeatedly, gains access to your house.... which he's apparently done, and which appears to contradict your statement that the police are waiting for him to do so. This contradiction (or perhaps I've read something incorrectly) is part of my confusion.

As far as the police not being willing/able to help you unless/until this person - who has apparently repeatedly threatened you and your family physically - not being able to do anything until he enters your home - I've filed a restraining order in the past based on considerably less than you're claiming has happened here - all of it verbal abuse, rather than the physical abuse/threats you state you are subject to - and, in fact, when I did contact the police, they wanted to know why I waited as long as I did, and let the situation reach the point that it had. So I find it hard to believe the police will do nothing in this situation, as I have personal experience to the contrary.

I'm not trying to be rude or argumentative - I am attempting to understand why your experience with an abusive/stalking situation is so different from my own.

I apologize for the sir comment..... As for my physical capabilities, it's hard to explain on the internet. My physical capabilities started to change back when I became medically ill at the age of 20 months due to vaccine damage. So, I can't really put into words what I can or can not do without getting detailed. Basically to make things easy, I can hold and use a knife if I ever had to and that's all that matters to me. I personally would never feel comfortable using or learning how to use a gun, that's just my personally feelings towards guns.

As for the cop, neighbor situation, I really don't know how else to explain. How does he come over to our property? He lives across the street and before this happened, would come over from time to time. Because of WHO he is, we would always be nice to him and not tell him to stay off our property. When this happened, of course he isn't going to talk to us nor come on our property which keeps the cops from doing anything. Now, whether or not he were to get drunk, high or whatever and attempt to come over or break into our home, I don't know, I can't answer for that. The cops said they have a police report on him from past events with other people. The latest report was back in NOV when he attempted to "arrest" a person with a fake badge. They told us they are just waiting for something to go down at his house to grab him. He's a drug dealer and has drug deals that go down from time to time at his house. Not only that, another to take in mind is that he works for the township. So, he does know certain people that helps stay "free" if you will...... You may find it hard to believe that the police won't do anything but I didn't when they didn't. Police aren't helpful in all situations. They are SUPPOSE to be but every police station is different and what they do. I can't obviously force a cop to do something. The police told us the best we can do right now is file a complaint which we did. They told us that if he should ever step foot on our property, to call 911.

I thank you though for taking the time to find out at best as possible what's been going on. I hope I didn't come off rude or disrespectful to you either ma'am.
Skitch, I have read through this thread with some attention to detail.

Nobody here feels that your situation is meaningless or acceptable.

But the right and effective responses may clash with your preconceived notions of simply getting a knife. It would indeed be heartless for people to tell you to do that when they know it would only wind up getting your family hurt or killed. There are far too many instances where reliance mistakenly placed in a weapon, or an unearned black belt, has simply brought about tragic results.

You seem resentful that folks will not tell you what you want to hear. They take the time because they care. I don't know what Google said, but this Forum is much more than a weapons clearing house.

People here come upon their expertise only after years of study and practice. If only it were so easy as just buying a wonder weapon to make the bad guys go away. But harsh reality is that a weapon without the years of training, discipline - and ethics - may endanger rather than protect you.

Your story about the police is flawed. Fact is, he should not have all those guns if he's an excon. Fact is, he has already criminally crossed that "fine line" at least twice in what he did to you and your mother...... no cop I know, to include ones on this forum, would be likely to opine he hasn't "done something" already.

My advice is to forget blades and go to a legal aide lawyer. They can help you with restraining orders, legal options, parole violations and dealing with the police.

Also, your best bet is to get a dog...... not for only defense but mainly for life assistance. Ask the lawyer about public programs to provide dogs to the disabled. I have seen any number of disabled people here with assistance dogs, and you'd clearly qualify. Most are big dogs - I have seen retrievers and shepherds here,,,,, and while they are not attack dogs, they will most cerainly fight for their family.

I got my own elderly 5' 2' mother a black lab as a companion after my father died. You can't train a black lab to attack a person on command..... but ask most criminals how they'd feel about having a furious 100 pound dog on them that is defending his family.

A number of instructors will teach Tai Chi to somebody in a wheelchair..... and a number of disabled people thrive in the art. Try it and perhaps you will understand both yourself and us a lot better.

First, I am sorry you feel the way you do. I wasn’t doing a google search to find a place that would tell me what I wanted to hear. Just because I don’t go with a “gun” which others are recommending, I’m at fault or being rude to others and resentful? How about if I said that you and others are trying to force me into buying something I personally know I’m not comfortable with? I haven’t said that though because I don’t believe that..... I have taken what others have said and to be honest with you, I’ve been very greatful for the fact that so many people here have taken the time and care to explain things to me and give their best opionions of what would be best for my families protection. Again, understand that in the end, it’s a personal choice and what that person feels most comfortable with choosing with the different opionions given. If you were in the same situation as me, I would probably say the same exact thing as you or others have said about a gun. But if you told me you aren’t comfortable with a gun but other avenues concerning protection, then I would do my best to point you into the right direction. Just like I know my Mom feels the same as me with a gun. So knowing this, I have to do my best to go the next route and look at protection for her and I. That’s why I took the advice of pepper spray for when she’s out of the house, the cop friend of mine said a billy club, you know like a night stick but the newer ones of today would be like having a bat in the house and a knife is MY personal choice that I feel the most comfortable having in the house JUST in case.

I came here from a Google search because I could tell that you people here take things to heart and are really for helping others. So I knew whatever suggestions I would get, it would be the best ones I could get on the internet. I also knew that I wasnÂ’t going to hear that a knife was the best choice, especially without classes taken. But IÂ’d take honesty and someone that cares by using their honesty any day over something I want to hear.

As for the police, you can say itÂ’s flawed all you want but it is what it is. I have NO reason what so ever to lie or make up a story. I am on kidney dialysis 7 days a week, IÂ’m in a wheelchair, I have chronic pain from head to toe and live on pain killers. My Dad is handicap and lost his leg and canÂ’t work. Our bills are out of this world with my medical needs that my Grandpop at 80 years old is still working to keep a roof over our heads. I have other things to worry about or waste time on then to make a story up about the police. Like you, I to have a friend who is a cop and has been for almost 30 years. He is a VERY good friend of mine and has been for well over 10 years. I have contacted him personally many times over this and he has looked into the situation and has asked personally one of his friendÂ’s who is a cop to keep an eye out on our house BECAUSE right now thereÂ’s nothing the police can do. Again as I said, the police made it very clear that he is that close to going away for a very long time but are waiting for something to go down first to get him on something. Does he have guns in the house? Yes and the cops know that from word on the streets but as the cop told me last week, they just canÂ’t go into his home for no reason to look for guns and then arrest him. They have to have a reason to search the house first, then they can go from there.

As for a lawyer, as of this time we canÂ’t afford it. I know you arenÂ’t going to like that answer but when you have a monthly eletric bill of $900 coming in, pay nurses $500 cash a week for daily dialysis, monthly medical bills of other kind, not to mention other bills, we just donÂ’t have it right now. We are living under very stressful conditions right now with money and we just donÂ’t have it. Hard to believe, I understand.

If I told you that I’ve been on SSI since I was 18 and haven’t been able to receive more money like I should have by now, you wouldn’t believe what I was told by the SSI agency. There is a lot of “bad” luck that happens to us, nothing more can I say.

I agree with a dog and me personally would get one in a heart beat but canÂ’t make that choice. First, I canÂ’t take care of a dog. With my Dad losing his leg, canÂ’t walk far anymore even with a fake leg. Not only that, thatÂ’s even more money on taking care of a dog and with having 4 cats, itÂ’s hard enough.

Talking about a black lab, LOVE them dogs. I had a black lab about 15 years ago, name was Midnight. Best dog in the WORLD.

I use to take some form of karate years ago when I could walk. Again what you are failing to understand (DonÂ’t have to agree but understand) is that any type of class costs $$$ which we donÂ’t have. Not only that, again I do dialysis 7 days a week and unless you know someone personally on dialysis, you donÂ’t know what dialysis does to a person or what it feels like. Not only that, I have insomina because of kidney failure and maybe get 2 hours a sleep a night. So, during the afternoon, when IÂ’m not taking pain meds, IÂ’m trying to get whatever sleep I can before my nightly dialysis. There just isnÂ’t enough time in a day for me to start classes even if I could afford them.

I have a feeling you arenÂ’t going to like what IÂ’ve had to say but IÂ’m only being honest with you. IÂ’m not trying to be rude in any way.
there are different sized pellets and different strengths of pellet gun.
-there are also darts, but usualy only single shots.
if the attacker is armed with a real gun however, one could easily become a sitting duck.
smart would be to hold a loaded pellet gun in a believable way and then use ones voice as the weapon. shooting only as a last resort. because if the attacker realizes that all you have is a pelletgun and not incapacitated, that spells serious trouble-possibly even if the attacker is unarmed. you could also look into different kind of gas guns for sd...using it indoors tho you's have to avoid teargas etc. basically, a gun used for firing blanks as a signal but can also hurl different kinds of gas at the attacker at high speeds. shooting at closerange could even cause serious injury or death.

like others on the forum, im not too fond about using a knife. to use a knife well, you practically have to be a predator. the more sneaky the more effective. chances are you may have good upperbody stregth. but still, think about it, the sheer violence and unretractable action of cutting or stabbing another human being. im sure you can think up better ways of controlling an attacker that's not out to kill you in the first place.
however, if you're into knives now, and would feel better or even safer having one, then what's stopping you? go to. i got my first knife when i was around 7. but it was careless handeling of glass and broken jars that cut me up first.
basically, anything can be used as a weapon.


What's holding me back from purchasing a knife is which model to choose. With Cold Steel, I was told here that Voyager, Gunsite, or Ak-47 for a folder. I was also told to look into Spydercos and models: Endura or a Centofante.

So it comes down to, which one to choose.......
I..... I personally would never feel comfortable using or learning how to use a gun, that's just my personally feelings towards guns.

There's been a lots of good answers and suggestions.

When I read through this, I get the impression your mind is set on the knife. You've already decided that is your only action.

Poeple have been trying to understand your situation, and you have been trying to answer. It's been reading a history of some kind of cat-mouse game.

But it really boils down to "do you want to do what you think is best for youself" or do you "want to do what might be best for you."

Those are 2 different things. you have to choose and then do it, and you yourself have to live with the consequenses, no matter which choice you made.

I personally think the dog and a laywer is good (even better if they are the one and same).

Skitch forgive me for being so blunt here but how does the gentleman get into the house all the time. Why does the police do nothing about this?
Are you sure hr id s threat? A knife with you in a wheel chair is no help, a pellet gun is no help it is like a BB gun. Get a big dog and put it in the front yard to keep him out and your mom can walk him when she goes outside for protection. You have basically refuse to answer Kacey question why is that?

I don't know what question I refused to answer. I think I've answered everybody's question now whether that person likes my answer is a different story.

As for answering your questions above. The man has been in our house for a while but in the past he has been. Again, he's been living on this block for years and we were ALWAYS nice to him because of WHO he is. So when he would walk over to say hi and ask to come in from time to time, we would allow it. We didn't want to be rude and cause more problems. But hasn't been in our house for a while. That doesn't mean again he won't get high or drunk one night and attempt to break into our house.

As for a dog, I answered that suggestion. We can not afford another animal. We have 4 cats which costs enough AND they don't take to dogs to kindly (My cousin has brought her dog over) not only that, even if we could get a dog, that's a choice I can't make. My parents would have to make that.

I've answer multiple times already about what the police will and will not do. I've been called a liar and not telling the whole story. So if someone wants to continue asking me questions and then TELL me the answers to those questions, what's the sense of even asking?