If you state a preference for blondes, brunettes or redheads, we can help you choose a life partner, too
Of course I’m being facetious and I’m sure someone will attempt to help make the decision for you, but in my sincere opinion, you have to go and have a long look and try these arts out for a few weeks or months and see what grabs
you (pun intended). If the most expensive and logistically difficult option is what
really inspires you, then that’s a strain on your pocket and your time but fighting arts have a very high rate of attrition with people giving up very easily. So finding the art that
really enthuses you (there will be one school that has the edge for you and that factor might even be due to something trivial) means
you will have the most satisfying experience and be more likely to keep practising. From personal experience, I can assure you that with a little effort, you
will find ‘the one’ out of all the others and a life-long love affair will ensue. The very best of luck.
By the way, if you prefer blondes I have a
very nice friend that’s available - educated to degree level (admittedly in psychology… the doofus of the sciences) articulate, well read, 170cm, slim, very attractive (she’s an amateur rower and into hiking) and a snappy, chic dresser, has her own house and car. She laughs at
all my jokes and will at yours I’m certain, which is very endearing. She’s a bit mad at times (hence why she’s single) due to overthinking everything and getting the wrong end of the stick, but I’m sure she can be trained with kindness, love and failing that, mild electric shocks. Drop me a line if you’re interested.