Need advice about my upcoming debut fight


Purple Belt
Hello all. I have been practicing Muay Thai for about to years now.I recently relocated and I have just started training continusely again after about two months of not training at all. On my first day in the gym,my new Muay Thai trainer said that I ( my technique) looked real good.He told me that I defenity have the skills to fight and then asked me if I want to fight with the gym in October;I told him yes and when I told him that I have never fought in a tournament before we,along with a few other students where highly shocked.I told him that I am going to fight but I need to work on my stamnia because its abit rusty.The next class after that I had to spar against a student who had already fought and won,when we finished sparring he took me to the side and told me that I am ready and I should fight in the up coming Kumate,which is on the 29th of Sept.

The only thing is, is that because of my circumstances I havent been able to train the way that I want to and on top of that,I hurt my shin really bad a few days ago( I threw a rib kick in classs while sparring and my opponet blocked it text -book perfect,you know,knee to shin.After that my calf started to lock up but I was fournate because it was a MMa night so I didnt groud fighting fo the rest of the night),to the point to where I had to take a sick day off from work Fri because there was no way that I could stand and walk around all day long.At home I try to work my upper body,but now I am concered about my cardio training.I am going to try and go cycling and do some swimming for cardio,its just that I dont know if that will be enough;I am doing alot of upper and mid body weight training and calistinics but that is only about 40% of the battle.I am not abit concerned because I dont how much time my shin will leave me to be able to train and I hunger for battle.

Any ideas or advice?What would you do in my shoes?I know swimming can burn quite abit of cals and that it is great cardio,but is it enough.

Any thoughts?
The same thing happened to me before my first fight. I thought the injury would heal in time but it didnt. I went into the fight knowing that I wouldnt be able to block or kick with my right leg. It was on my mind alot and it affected my confidence.
Not surprisingly the fight went badly.
Alot of fighters go into fights with injuries. Sometimes its just unavoidable.
But for your first fight, you would want to be in good fighting shape.
Listening to your post it sounds like you dont feel good about your condition and ability to prepare for the fight. Thats really going to effect your mentality. And your mentality is sooo important!
You want to go into a fight supremely confident, that you've done the necessary prep, and you're in shape to tear your opponent apart. Any doubts are going really affect your performance.
I'd wait a couple more months and fight when I'm in good condition.
A couple of months is nothing in the big picture.
Yeah I do agree with you guys that if you arent completely ready that you shouldnt fight.Man! Its just sucks cause I was so looking foward to it.My shin has gotten alot better,but if you touch the side of my calve it goes into so much pain.I went to my doctor and we said that it he doesnt think that it is a hairline fracture or anything like that(so I feel abit better).
Hi mate, I think a lot of professional fighters, certainly full on professional MMAtists, and others, will often go into a fight carrying some form of injury which will vary in their seriousness. If, however, this isn't for money, or isn't your main form of income, then perhaps you have to ask yourself if you're quite ready at this moment in time?

Be ENTIRELY honest with yourself, sit down and give yourself a good talking too. Be prepared to reach some potentially awkward conclusions, but also, give yourself a chance to succeed. Rushing yourself into a needless fight to suit someone else's plans is futile. Fight when you are at your strongest, and when you feel good and ready, forgive me if I speak out of order, but from what you've hinted at here, I don't think you are. Just my opinion though. :asian:
Hi mate, I think a lot of professional fighters, certainly full on professional MMAtists, and others, will often go into a fight carrying some form of injury which will vary in their seriousness. If, however, this isn't for money, or isn't your main form of income, then perhaps you have to ask yourself if you're quite ready at this moment in time?

Be ENTIRELY honest with yourself, sit down and give yourself a good talking too. Be prepared to reach some potentially awkward conclusions, but also, give yourself a chance to succeed. Rushing yourself into a needless fight to suit someone else's plans is futile. Fight when you are at your strongest, and when you feel good and ready, forgive me if I speak out of order, but from what you've hinted at here, I don't think you are. Just my opinion though. :asian:

Thanks for the advice,my reason for fighting is not fo anyone else though,for me I just love fighting.Its the for the thrill of the hunt!! My body has healed considerably but I know that I am not quite ready to fight yet.I have not been able to do Muay Thai (or MMA) for about a week and a half,but I have been supplmenting my cardio for swimming and weight lifting.I know that I have gotten strong but I dont know where my stamnia and my agility now stands.

As for sitting down and asking myself a few questions..well I have decided that I am going to speak to myself with What I am going to do is go to Muay Thai tomorrow(my leg has healed to the point to where I can trainbut I am going to start slow) and go light.Then on Saturday or Monday ,I am going to do some 3min (Muay Thai round time) drilling to see where my endurance stands,if its not do bad Monday or so I am going to start up my Cardio Kickboxing (to excerise and build my agility) and some light sparring (to test my agility).If it goes well,then perhaps I will be ready to fight on the 29th,if it doesnt then perhaps Im not.

Well thanks again for you advice!

Good training!

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