Need A New FREE E-mail account


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
In a few days my mail server will be shutting down and I need to find another place for my e-mail address. I've got a yahoo address but it's exclusively for those websites that ask for e-mail addresses and thus all spam goes to that one.
I've had a Hotmail address before and was likewise bombarded with excessive spam. So those two are last resort mail possibilities.

Someone recommended G-mail... well that's good if I had a cell phone which I don't. And apparently you need one so they can send you the sign-up code.

If there are other ones out-there I'd like to check them out.

Thanks in advance.
You don't need a cell phone for a gmail account - but you do need an invitation. If you want one, PM me an email I can send it to - I have 98 invitations on my account, and I'd be happy to send you one.
you don't need a cell phone for gmail, like Kacey said, just an invite.... also there is a site I like you can get email addy with any number of @______ things, so you might be able to get ...lots of flexibility with them....not a ton of storage room, but enough that I have never had a problem, and I recently read somewhere the aol is giving away free emails now, so you might be able to get one through them using your im name...
Go with or
I HIGHLY recommend mailbolt (It will come up as It is gaining a following fast on the internet. It claims to be the fastest free email on the web and I believe it. Go open a free account over there to play with it and test it out. If you try it, you never will want another one.
Also, there is a forum on the web that only discusses email: If you ask those email-addicted weirdos what is the best one out there, they will say
PS - I am one of the weirdos there.

Just a side note: and are both on our banned domain list for being buttheads.
Just a side note: and are both on our banned domain list for being buttheads. used to be a good service. I have had a account from them for over 8 years, but it has gone down the tubes over the past year or two. They saturated the whole site with junk like "Kill the Fly and Win a Free IPod," dating ads, horoscope ads, and anything else appealing to a lower mentality.
Avoid . They are terrible now.

Go ask your question at The people there have strong opinions on this subject.

In a few days my mail server will be shutting down and I need to find another place for my e-mail address. I've got a yahoo address but it's exclusively for those websites that ask for e-mail addresses and thus all spam goes to that one.
I've had a Hotmail address before and was likewise bombarded with excessive spam. So those two are last resort mail possibilities.

Someone recommended G-mail... well that's good if I had a cell phone which I don't. And apparently you need one so they can send you the sign-up code.

If there are other ones out-there I'd like to check them out.

Thanks in advance.

You can have more than one yahoo acct. Same with hotmail. Just set up a new one with a different user name. I also find Yahoo has an excellent spam filter. Spam rarely makes it into my yahoo inbox.
I don't like the way Yahoo email is set up, but I am a huge fan of Yahoo itself. If you have a Yahoo username, they give you email, a photo book, groups (which are message boards), Yahoo 360 (kind of like Myspace), briefcase (store your fliers and files online), Flikr, notepad, domains, and more.

Here is the list of things you can do for free with your Yahoo ID:

Basically, I use everything but the email.

I don't like the way Yahoo email is set up, but I am a huge fan of Yahoo itself. If you have a Yahoo username, they give you email, a photo book, groups (which are message boards), Yahoo 360 (kind of like Myspace), briefcase (store your fliers and files online), Flikr, notepad, domains, and more.

Here is the list of things you can do for free with your Yahoo ID:

Basically, I use everything but the email.


They recently provided an option to update the e-mail accts and it's really nice. :)
Whell, it's done... thanks to a little help from my friends. :D

g-mail account was set up and address book imported and wallah (volia) all done.

Thanks for the suggestions and for the help.


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